
Saunter Fork - code-first AsyncAPI documentation generator for dotnet.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Is an AsyncAPI documentation generator for dotnet.

ℹ Note that pre version 1.0.0, the API is regarded as unstable and breaking changes may be introduced.

This is a fork of the Sauner library, which was rewritten for the sake of ease of use and minimizing the cost of implementation in the project.

Simple start

  1. Install package from nuget

  2. Configure base generator params in Program.cs:

       services.AddAsyncApiSchemaGeneration(o =>
            o.AssemblyMarkerTypes = new[] { typeof(StreetlightsController) }; // add assemply marker
            o.AsyncApi = new AsyncApiDocument { Info = new Info { Title = "My application" }}; // introduce your application
  3. Map generator and ui in Program.cs:

  4. Set attributes to pub/sub methods or classes:

    [PublishOperation<MyPayloadMessageType, MySecondPayloadMessageType>("my_queue_second_name")]
    public void MyMethod()
  5. Run application, open endpoint /asyncapi/ui/ and view:

    example ui

Usage docs

The overall concept looks like the following:

  1. Add attributes containing information about channels and operations to methods or classes that implement them.
  2. Optionally, provide additional information about messages using attributes on the DTO (Data Transfer Object) type representing the message.
  3. The generator will consolidate all this information, mapping messages to operations where they are used, and generating channel parameters when detected.


DI Configure

You can configure the basic document parameters and generator operation in the Program.cs file.

The AddAsyncApiSchemaGeneration method is used to add the generator, JSON serializer, and generator provider to the DI (Dependency Injection) container.

The method also takes an optional parameter setupAction, which is used to customize the library settings.

With it, you can configure:

  • The basic document prototype, where information about the application, its version (default is 'latest'), list of servers, channel bindings, and any other document fields will be specified.
  • A list of types to be used as assembly markers.
  • A list of filters implementing the IDocumentFilter interface to apply to the generated document.
  • A list of filters implementing the IOperationFilter interface to apply to the operations of the generated document.
  • Settings for the JSON generator, inherited from the JsonSchemaGeneratorSettings class in the NJsonSchema library.
  • Middleware parameters:
    • Document endpoint (default is '/asyncapi/asyncapi.json').
    • UI endpoint (default is '/asyncapi/ui/').
    • UI title (default is 'AsyncAPI').


services.AddAsyncApiSchemaGeneration(o =>
    o.AssemblyMarkerTypes = new[] { typeof(StreetlightMessageBus) };
    o.Middleware.UiTitle = "Streetlights API";
    o.AsyncApi = new AsyncApiDocument
        Info = new Info
            Title = "Streetlights API",
            Description = "The Smartylighting Streetlights API allows you to remotely manage the city lights.",
            License = new License
                Name = "Apache 2.0",
                Url = "https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0"
        Servers = new()
            ["mosquitto"] = new Server
                Url = "test.mosquitto.org",
                Protocol = "mqtt",
            ["webapi"] = new Server
                Url = "localhost:5000",
                Protocol = "http",

Additionally, to make it work, you need to add middleware and endpoints:


Operation attribute

The generator uses the PublishOperation and SubscribeOperation attributes as data sources, which can be added to any class/interface/method in any desired quantity with two constraints:

  1. The channel name must be unique.
  2. The operation ID must be unique.

If the application has multiple subscribers to one channel, use the oneOf messages, for example:

[PublishOperation<LightMeasuredEvent, LightMeasuredEvent2, LightMeasuredEvent3>("PublishLightMeasuredTopic")]


[PublishOperation("PublishLightMeasuredTopic", new TypeInfo[] { typeof(LightMeasuredEvent), typeof(LightMeasuredEvent2), typeof(LightMeasuredEvent3), typeof(LightMeasuredEvent4) } )]

Unfortunately, this is a limitation of the AsyncAPI specification, which should be addressed in version 3.

Additionally, when specifying the attribute, you can provide various parameters for both the operation and the channel to which this operation belongs.

Channel parameters:

  • ChannelName - The name of the channel. The format depends on the conventions of the underlying messaging protocol. For example, AMQP uses dot-separated paths like 'light.measured'.
  • ChannelDescription - An optional description of this channel item. CommonMark syntax can be used for rich text representation.
  • ChannelBindingsRef - The name of a channel bindings item to reference. The bindings must be added to components/channelBindings with the same name.
  • ChannelServers - The servers on which this channel is available, specified as an optional unordered list of names (string keys) of Server Objects defined in the Servers Object.

Operation parameters:

  • MessagePayloadTypes - Message schema mark ID for matching with the message attribute. Can be specified as a generic.
  • Summary - A short summary of what the operation is about.
  • OperationId - Unique string used to identify the operation. The id MUST be unique among all operations described in the API. The operationId value is case-sensitive. Tools and libraries MAY use the operationId to uniquely identify an operation, therefore, it is RECOMMENDED to follow common programming naming conventions.
  • Description - A verbose explanation of the operation. CommonMark syntax can be used for rich text representation.
  • BindingsRef - The name of an operation bindings item to reference. The bindings must be added to components/operationBindings with the same name.
  • Tags - A list of tags for API documentation control. Tags can be used for logical grouping of operations.
  • DocumentName - Name of the AsyncAPI document. More details are available in the section on multiple documents in one application.


[PublishOperation<AnotherSampleMesssage>("asw.sample_service.anothersample", OperationId = "AnotherSampleMessagePublisher", Summary = "Publish another sample.", ChannelDescription = "Another sample events.")]
[PublishOperation<SampleMessage>("messaging.sample", Summary = "Publish a sample message.", OperationId = "PublishSampleMessage", Description = "Publishes a sample message for demonstration purposes.", BindingsRef = "amqpBinding", Tags = new[] { "Messaging", "Publishing" })]

In case the channel name contains the {*} construction, for example, qwerty.{my_id}.event, the generator will create a channel parameter. It will then attempt to find its description and schema in the components. By default, the schema string and an empty description are used.


AsyncApiOptions options = new()
    AsyncApi = new()
        Info = new()
            Version = "1.0.0",
            Title = GetType().FullName,
        Components = new()
            Parameters = new()
                        Description = "The tenant identifier.",
                        Schema = NJsonSchema.JsonSchema.FromType(typeof(string)),
                        Location = "tester",

// ...

[SubscribeOperation<TenantCreated>("asw.tenant_service.{tenant_id}.{tenant_status}", OperationId = "OneTenantMessageConsumer", Summary = "Subscribe to domains events about a tenant.", ChannelDescription = "A tenant events.")]

Message attributes

To add parameters to a message, the MessageAttribute is used.

It is applied to the DTO class or interface, where message parameters are specified:

  • HeadersType - The type used to generate the message headers schema.
  • Name - A machine-friendly name for the message. Defaults to the generated schemaId.
  • Title - A human-friendly title for the message.
  • Summary - A brief summary of what the message is about.
  • Description - A detailed explanation of the message. CommonMark syntax can be used for rich text representation.
  • BindingsRef - The name of a message bindings item to reference. The bindings must be added to components/messageBindings with the same name.
  • MessageId - A unique string used to identify the message. The id MUST be unique among all messages described in the API. The messageId value is case-sensitive. Tools and libraries MAY use the messageId to uniquely identify a message, therefore, it is RECOMMENDED to follow common programming naming conventions.
  • Tags - A list of tags for API documentation control. Tags can be used for logical grouping of messages.


[Message(HeadersType = typeof(MyMessageHeader), Title = "hello world")]
public record MyEvent(string content);

Working with Multiple Documents within a Single Application

You can create multiple AsyncApi documents within a single application in addition to the main one.

To achieve this:

  1. Declare an additional document in Program.cs after adding the main configuration:

        services.ConfigureNamedAsyncApi("Foo", asyncApi =>
            asyncApi.Info = new Info()
                Version = "1.0.0",
                Title = "Foo",
            asyncApi.Servers = new()
                ["mosquitto"] = new Server
                    Url = "test.mosquitto.org",
                    Protocol = "mqtt",
                ["webapi"] = new Server
                    Url = "localhost:5000",
                    Protocol = "http",
  2. Declare operations for the document by specifying the DocumentName property in the attribute:

    [PublishOperation<LightMeasuredEvent>(PublishLightMeasuredTopic, "Light", ChannelServers = new[] { "webapi" }, DocumentName = "Foo")]

In the running application, you can open a new document or its UI using the following paths:

  • asyncapi/{documentName}/asyncapi.json
  • asyncapi/{documentName}/ui/


!> this section is taken from Saunter, this functionality has not changed, it will be redesigned in future versions

Bindings are used to describe protocol specific information. These can be added to the AsyncAPI document and then applied to different components by setting the BindingsRef property in the relevant attributes [OperationAttribute], [MessageAttribute], [ChannelAttribute]

// Startup.cs
services.AddAsyncApiSchemaGeneration(options =>
    options.AsyncApi = new AsyncApiDocument
        Components = 
            ChannelBindings = 
                ["my-amqp-binding"] = new ChannelBindings
                    Amqp = new AmqpChannelBinding
                        Is = AmqpChannelBindingIs.RoutingKey,
                        Exchange = new AmqpChannelBindingExchange
                            Name = "example-exchange",
                            VirtualHost = "/development"
[Channel("light.measured", BindingsRef = "my-amqp-binding")] // Set the BindingsRef property
public void PublishLightMeasuredEvent(Streetlight streetlight, int lumens) {}

Available bindings:

JSON Schema Settings

!> this section is taken from Saunter, this functionality has not changed, it will be redesigned in future versions

The JSON schema generation can be customized using the options.JsonSchemaGeneratorSettings. Saunter defaults to the popular camelCase naming strategy for both properties and types.

For example, setting to use PascalCase:

services.AddAsyncApiSchemaGeneration(options =>
    options.JsonSchemaGeneratorSettings.TypeNameGenerator = new DefaultTypeNameGenerator();

    // Note: need to assign a new JsonSerializerSettings, not just set the properties within it.
    options.JsonSchemaGeneratorSettings.SerializerSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings 
        ContractResolver = new DefaultContractResolver(),
        Formatting = Formatting.Indented;

You have access to the full range of both NJsonSchema and JSON.NET settings to configure the JSON schema generation, including custom ContractResolvers.


The current implementation has 3 goals.

  • Ease of implementation in any project without limitation
  • Providing an opportunity to describe any complex scheme
  • Support for the current version asyncapi(with the possibility of updating to 3.0.0 after release)

1 priority

The main purpose of the stage works is to make it possible to describe an operation in 1 attribute without restrictions on the number of operations per method/class

  • To dotnet 7

  • To asyncapi 2.6.0

  • Set required and nullable props to schema

  • Give the opportunity to work with multiple operations in the one class/method

  • Kill channel attribute:

    [SubscribeOperation("asw.tenant_service.tenants_history", OperationId = "TenantMessageConsumer", Summary = "Subscribe to domains events about tenants.", ChannelDescription = "Tenant events.")]
    public void PublishHelloWord(string content) { }
  • Rework message attribute:

    [SubscribeOperation<BrokerHelloWorldDto>("asw.tenant_service.tenants_history", OperationId = "TenantMessageConsumer", Summary = "Subscribe to domains events about tenants.", ChannelDescription = "Tenant events.")]
    public void PublishHelloWord(string content) { }
    [Message(Title = "Hello world, i`m class")]
    public record BrokerHelloWorldDto(string content);
  • Kill channel params attribute (auto detect parameters from channel name)

    [SubscribeOperation<BrokerHelloWorldDto>("asw.tenant_service.{tenants_name}", OperationId = "TenantMessageConsumer")]
    public record BrokerHelloWorldDto(string content);
  • Redo the processing of multiple documents in the application (save default document with null name!!)

    [SubscribeOperation<BrokerHelloWorldDto>("asw.tenant_service.{tenants_name}", OperationId = "TenantMessageConsumer", DocumentName = "Foo")]
    [SubscribeOperation<BrokerHelloWorldDto>("asw.tenant_service.{tenants_name}", OperationId = "TenantMessageConsumer")]
    public record BrokerHelloWorldDto(string content);
  • Rewrite usage docs:

    • Fast start guide
    • Description of the basic config in di
    • Description of the operation attribute (+ description of working with channel parameters)
    • Description of the message attribute
    • Description of working with multiple documents
  • Nuget package

  • Usability test on my environment Based on the results of the check in my environment. Using the library has become much more convenient, but there is not enough flexibility in implementation. Next, I will develop the library towards tools WITHOUT attributes. Example case:

      public void SubsribeApplication() {
          _js.SubByChannel<MyEvent1>("qwerty", _ => Console.Writeline("hello world"));
          _js.SubByChannel<MyEvent2>("qwerty.123", _ => Console.Writeline("hello world"));
          _js.SubByChannel<MyEvent3>("qwerty.zxc", _ => Console.Writeline("hello world"));
          _js.SubByChannel<MyEvent4>("qwerty.qwerty", _ => Console.Writeline("hello world"));
      // ...
      private void SubsribeByChannel<TEvent>(this IJetStream js, string channel, Action<TEvent> handler) {
          // honestly, I want to define the operation here. 
          // example:
          // _operations += new PubOperation<TEvent>(channel);
          js.PushSubscribe(channel, (_, m) => handler(_parser.From(m.Msg.Data)));
  • Release !!

Known limitations of the version that will be received at this stage:

  • There is no support for description and location for channel parameters from attributes (only from components ref)

2 priority

The main goal of the stage works is to expand the automatically generated part of the schema through xml-comments and improve the quality of the product

  • Add generator output model validation
  • Add xml-comments to output model
  • Add yaml output document
  • Rework and enrich unit tests
  • Rework and enrich component tests with TestHost

3 priority

The main goal of this stage is to refine the remaining features of the async api (such as binding protocol) and develop a tool for describing detailed and complex schemes (without using attributes)

  • Make a normal tool for describing a any complex asyncapi document (without attributes, static method on interface?....)
  • Rework the binding protocols (now it's done terribly)

4 priority

The main goal of this stage is to automatically generate part of the scheme from native library objects for the protocols I use (nats, signalR)

  • To dotnet 8
  • Native work with nats
  • Native work with signalR
  • Native work with swagger (or wait asyncapi 3.0.0 ...?)