This project is a Selenium-based Java project for testing the website "". It includes two test cases for testing basic flow scenarios.
- Java 11
- Maven
- Ensure you have Java 11 installed on your system.
- Install Maven by following the instructions on the official website.
To run the tests, use the following Maven command:
mvn clean test
This command will execute the test cases using Chrome as the browser. After finished tests execution, Allure results folder will be automatically generated to 'target/allure-results'
To generate the Allure report, use the following Maven command:
mvn allure:report
The report will be generated in the following directory:
Open the index.html file in a browser to view the generated Allure report.
- Actual ChromeDriver in the Browser class before running the tests will be downloaded automatically or use from cache.
- Optionally, you can customize Chrome options (e.g., headless mode) in the Browser class.