This is a test automation project with UI tests for "Douglas web-site"
For building this project it is necessary to install the following:
- Installed Java 17 (Java Downloads)
- Installed Git (Git Downloads)
- Installed Maven 3.6+ (Maven Downloads)
$ mvn clean install
For locally running tests, use "" class to run all tests immediately
It is possible to run all tests on Firefox browser with additional VM option
$ mvn clean install -Dbrowser=firefox
In both cases we have automatically generated Allure report, for more details use this link (Allure Report) Otherwise, report can be generated by separate CLI command
$ mvn site
After executing report will be available in build directory and can be opened through index.html file in any of browsers:
$ /target/site/allure-maven-plugin
Allure report's views which generated after run tests