An implementation of DKN (Deep Knowledge-Aware Network for News Recommendation) in PyTorch.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Integrated into https://github.com/yusanshi/NewsRecommendation. This repository is currently read-only.


An implementation of DKN (Deep Knowledge-Aware Network for News Recommendation) in PyTorch.

Get started

Basic setup.

git clone https://github.com/yusanshi/DKN
cd DKN
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Download the dataset.

mkdir data && cd data

# By downloading the dataset, you agree to the [Microsoft Research License Terms](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=206977). For more detail about the dataset, see https://msnews.github.io/.
wget https://mind201910small.blob.core.windows.net/release/MINDsmall_train.zip https://mind201910small.blob.core.windows.net/release/MINDsmall_dev.zip
sudo apt install unzip
unzip MINDsmall_train.zip -d train
unzip MINDsmall_dev.zip -d test
rm MINDsmall_*.zip

# Preprocess data into appropriate format
cd ..
python3 src/data_preprocess.py
# Remember you shoud modify `num_word_tokens` in `src/config.py` by the output of `src/data_preprocess.py`


python3 src/train.py
python3 src/inference.py
python3 src/evaluate.py

# or use `run.sh` to compare the result with or without context embedding, attention mechanism.

chmod +x run.sh

You can visualize the training loss and accuracy with TensorBoard.

tensorboard --logdir=runs

Note the metrics in validation will differ greatly with final result on evaluation set. You should use it for reference only.
