
an opinionated template for Godot 4.3+.

Primary LanguageGDScriptThe UnlicenseUnlicense

this is a (opinionated) game template for Godot that handles some boring boilerplating and provides a project structure.

for Godot 4.3+.


  • sane project / addon settings and file hierarchy
    • GDScript static typing is enforced
    • template scenes (2D/3D) to duplicate for any new scenes, with world environment and sun defaults
    • export presets for windows, linux, osx and web
    • default rendering method is set to Compatibility
    • ...and other settings
  • godot debug menu for in-game performance / hardware metrics
    • input action is named cycle_debug_menu, set to Control+Alt+D and F3 by default
  • godot debug camera for a simple 3D/2D debug camera
    • input action is named toggle_debug_camera, set to Control+Alt+C by default
  • loggie for logging
  • dev blocks for blocking out simple 3D scenes
  • scenes for a simple threaded scene loader (TODO: publish this separately)
  • shortcuts to provide some shortcuts (fullscreen, mute, mouse capture, etc.) (TODO: publish this separately)
  • release.sh for building all exports
  • butler.sh for uploading all exports to itch.io via butler

note: addons may be modified from their original release to fix / add stuff


you can get the latest release from the asset library.

clone the repository and change the remote to point to your own. or use GitHub's "Use this template" button.

alternatively, if you don't want to delete unwanted files like the UNLICENSE or icon.png etc. head over to the releases tab and download the template.zip file from the latest release.