
Can you please do the same with zen3d?

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I think it would be very nice if you can do similar thing with this wonderfull new chinese library


So many thanks in advance, for now...

Sorry. This plugin is intended only for three.js. You can fork this repository and port it to zen-3d yourself.

However, I strongly discourage this. The problem this plugin solves is a defect in three.js, which could be avoided in the upstream project. This plugin is a workaround. It's ugly and temporary, and should never become a final solution.

I suggest you take a look at the related issues in readme. They should explain why it's so difficult to make three.js slim. I also recommend you invite zen-3d's developers to join the discussion, hoping they can solve the problem fundamentally rather than tread in three.js's footsteps.