PlayCanvas MToon Material

How to Use

Engine Only

  1. Install:
npm install playcanvas-mtoon-material-test
  1. Usage example:
import MToonMaterial from "playcanvas-mtoon-material-test"

const material = new MToonMaterial(); // Create a new material 
material._Color = new Color(1, 0, 0); // Set the color of the material

PlayCanvas Editor

  1. Fork this project.
  2. Add the material to your project. ./docs/capture.png


If you want to develop this project locally, you can build it using the following steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Run the build:

    npm run build


To run the tests, use the following command:

npm test

Supported Properties

Here's a list of currently supported properties:

Basic Properties

  • _Color: Color
  • _EmissionColor: Color
  • _ShadeColor: Color
  • _RimColor: Color
  • _OutlineColor: Color
  • matcapFactor: Color


  • _BumpMap: Texture | null
  • _EmissionMap: Texture | null
  • _MainTex: Texture | null
  • _OutlineWidthTexture: Texture | null
  • _ShadeTexture: Texture | null
  • _SphereAdd: Texture | null
  • rimMultiplyTexture: Texture | null
  • uvAnimationMaskTexture: Texture | null

Numeric Properties

  • _Cutoff: number
  • _BumpScale: number
  • _ReceiveShadowRate: number
  • _ShadingGradeRate: number
  • _ShadeShift: number
  • _ShadeToony: number
  • _LightColorAttenuation: number
  • _IndirectLightIntensity: number
  • _RimLightingMix: number
  • _RimFresnelPower: number
  • _RimLift: number
  • giEqualizationFactor: number

Outline Related

  • _OutlineWidth: number
  • _OutlineScaledMaxDistance: number
  • _OutlineLightingMix: number
  • _OutlineWidthMode: number
  • _OutlineColorMode: number
  • _OutlineCullMode: number

UV Animation

  • _UvAnimScrollX: number
  • _UvAnimScrollY: number
  • _UvAnimRotation: number

Rendering Settings

  • _BlendMode: number
  • _CullMode: number
  • _SrcBlend: number
  • _DstBlend: number
  • _ZWrite: number