
Unofficial implementation of CVPR 2020 paper "SCATTER: Selective Context Attentional Scene Text Recognizer"

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

An implementation of CVPR 2020 paper "SCATTER: Selective Context Attentional Scene Text Recognizer"

Paper | Pretrained model


This is an unofficial implementation of paper "SCATTER: Selective Context Attentional Scene Text Recognizer" published at CVPR 2020.

Getting Started


  • This work was tested with PyTorch 1.6.0, CUDA 10.2, python 3.6.10 and Ubuntu 18.04.
conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
  • requirements : lmdb, pillow, nltk, natsort
pip3 install lmdb pillow nltk natsort


Pretrained Model

Two pretrained models are provided (Will be updated when better models are trained):

  1. non-senstive: includes ten digits (0-9) and 26 characters (a-z).
  2. sensitive: includes all readable characters.

Pretrained models can be downloaded here

Run demo

  • With non-sensitve model
python demo.py --saved_model scatter-case-non-sensitive.pth --sensitive --image_folder <path_to_image_folder>
  • With sensitve model
python demo.py --saved_model scatter-case-sensitive.pth --image_folder <path_to_image_folder>

Training and evaluation

Download lmdb dataset for traininig and evaluation provided by deep-text-recognition-benchmark from here

Download addition dataset SynthText_Add (SA) for training from here (includes raw images and lmdb format).


python3 train.py --train_data data_lmdb_release/training --valid_data data_lmdb_release/validation --select_data MJ-ST-SA --batch_ratio 0.4-0.4-0.2 --sensitive 


python3 test.py --eval_data data_lmdb_release/evaluation --saved_model scatter-case-sensitive.pth --sensitive --data_filtering_off

Reported results

  • Using evaluation set here

  • Compare with result in the original paper and baseline model.

Model IIIT5K SVT IC03 IC13 Regular Text IC15 SVTP CUTE Irregular Text
Paper (non-sensitive) 93.7 92.7 96.3 93.9 94.0 82.2 86.9 87.5 83.7
Baseline 87.9 87.5 94.9 92.3 89.8 71.8 79.2 74.0 73.6
Our (sensitive) 93.5 90.9 95.0 93.6 93.4 78.6 83.4 83.3 80.0
Our (non-sensitive) 93.8 90.9 95.3 93.8 93.7 79.7 85.0 86.1 81.5


This code is built upon deep-text-recognition-benchmark.


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Please consider citing this work in your publications if it helps your research.

  title={SCATTER: selective context attentional scene text recognizer},
  author={Litman, Ron and Anschel, Oron and Tsiper, Shahar and Litman, Roee and Mazor, Shai and Manmatha, R},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},