Web based AR Test with AR.js
by Yuske Goto / at apd Malaysia @ yg@yuskegoto.de
This script bases following ar.js mobile performance script from Jerome Etienne. https://jeromeetienne.github.io/AR.js/three.js/examples/mobile-performance.html
This demo can be tested here. Tracking marker is here.
AR.js: JavaScript based AR framework, works on AR marker https://github.com/jeromeetienne/AR.js/blob/master/README.md
Other web-based AR plugins... Three.js: JavaScript based 3D plugin https://threejs.org/ a-frame.js: also 3D plugin. three.js wrapper. Simple coding. Slower on mobile devices.
Other web 3D plugins Blend4web newly launched, needs evaluation. Seems like promising? https://www.blend4web.com/en/services/doc/
Make own marker Upload your own marker data (without black square) onto Marker Trainer below. It will then return the marker configuration file and marker pdf. The picture should be low resolution. I used 240 x 240 pixel. Your design should only be in lower part of the area (lower 1/2 to 1/3). https://jeromeetienne.github.io/AR.js/three.js/examples/marker-training/examples/generator.html
How to export 3D Animation from Blender From blender to JSON is currently only one workflow. The animation in blender has to have bone, theoretically other deformation should / may also work, but didn't It's possible to export multiple animations on one data, like walk, idle run etc. See: Animation export Blender -> JSON -> three.js http://unboring.net/workflows/animation.html https://github.com/arturitu/threejs-animation-workflow Basic work around with 3D data in Blender -> JSON without animation https://quaintproject.wordpress.com/2014/01/25/exporting-from-blender-to-web-gl-using-collada-and-three-js-part-2/ https://www.jonathan-petitcolas.com/2015/07/27/importing-blender-modelized-mesh-in-threejs.html three.js exporter plugin for blender https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/tree/master/utils/exporters/blender miscellaneous workaround: how to delete unnecessary NLA stack https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/36129/can-not-delete-actions-in-action-editor-even-with-shift-x
Other 3D formats: FBX format? Loading 3DS Max data in three.js with JSON http://blog.andrewray.me/how-to-export-a-rigged-animated-model-from-3ds-max-three-js/ -three.js accepts also fbx over 7.0 Ascii, but not binary! -Blender doesn't have 7.0< exporter with Ascii option, so this doesn't work VRML 3D -> Exportable from blender Animation -> Blender exporter could not export animation Gltf Supposedly the next general web 3D format. But currently there is only web based collada -> gltf converter, which seems like does not export any animation? https://blog.mozvr.com/a-saturday-night-gltf-workflow/ https://aframe.io/docs/0.6.0/components/gltf-model.html#why-use-gltf
Some issues ar.js on mobile device: The plugin will currently work only on Android + Chrome Browser due to the camera device access (WebRTC implementation). Android Firefox worked partially as well, but camera picture was shown upside down. However it will be implemented on iOS 11, which will be relesed on autumn 2017. The pluging also requires secure http connection. Use github repo or your own https server for this. See also: jeromeetienne/AR.js#45 Depends on the device's capability for webgl the 3D model on AR screen look different. See device tests below.
-Aspectratio 3D models are often squashed or stretched on Android Landscape / Protrait mode. jeromeetienne/AR.js#60 Hot fix: For the model stretching issue I implemented a function to switch to models (normal propotion + vertically 50% compressed) according to the device orientation.
Device tests -iOS 11 beta Known issue on iOS11 beta: Camera capture might be flipped 180 degree, this is due tu a bug on iOS 11 beta. jeromeetienne/AR.js#90 Chrome: Not worked. Probably because of no implementation of WebRTC on Current Chrome version. Safari: Worked with some issues: See below: On Portrait Mode: 3D model is vertically stretched On Horizontal Mode: Vertical Axis (Y) is slanted to right. Model is not stretched.
Oppo Android + chrome Android: 6.0.1 Chrome 59.0.3071.125 Slanted issue is also observed on Android + Chrome (Device: Oppo) -> is this issue due to screen rotation lock? Slanted issue was solved once screen rotation is turned on. Animation: little bit jaggy Directional light: OK Shadow: Okay
HTC 10 Android Version: Chrome: Directional light: OK Shadow: OK Animation: OK It took time to recognize the marker, probably due to loading Front / Back camera issue On this device the front camera was activated. Basically ar.js tries to activate "environment" camera = rear camera on initialising. Related article: jeromeetienne/AR.js#86
HTC Zenfone 2 Laser (ASUS_Z00ED) Android Ver 6.0.1 Chrome 59.0.3071.125 Animation was very jaggy No Shadow
MiPad 2 Android 5.1.0 Chrome 59.0.3071.125 Animation smooth no directional lighting no shadow Firefox test Ver: 54.0.1 Animation: slightly jaggy Camera did not focus Vertical(Y) axis flipped upside down. No directional light No shadow