
Operating Systems - Semester 1, 2023

Primary LanguageC


Name: Yusra Patel

Student Number: 20823850

Submission Date: 08/05/2023

Unit: COMP2006 Operating Systems - Semester 1, 2023

Purpose: To simulate the operations of a hypothetical customer queue in a bank, using the POSIX threads library


Linux build environment with make and gcc compiler


Compile all the files via a Makefile.


Run the executable cq.exe file using the following format:

./cq queue_size customer_arrival_interval withdrawal_time deposit_time information_time

All parameters should be positive integers as shown in the example:

./cq 20 2 3 4 7

Using the command above, 20 customers will be placed into the queue at a time interval of 2 seconds - a withdrawal service requires 3 seconds, a deposit service requires 4 seconds whereas an information one requires 7 seconds.

The r_log.txt file can be viewed for all the logs of the program execution.