---------------------------------------------- OFFAS - Open Functionality For Android's Sensors Author: Yussi Divnal (UC.dev.null@Gmail.com) Project Page: https://github.com/yussidivnall/OFFAS ---------------------------------------------- description: A simple android app to take the sensor data, encapsulate it to JSON (Javascript tables) and send it to a given address. usage: install the app on any given Android device run, specify an address and port and connect server side: on the server side you need to have a listening service on the given port (default 234). in the project's root, under utils there are a few examples to utilize this (https://github.com/yussidivnall/OFFAS/tree/master/utils). those use gnuplot, with gunplot.py which you can grub here: http://gnuplot-py.sourceforge.net/ OFFAS isn't limited to this, and can be used to do anything you can think of doing with the sensors.