
A React Native component for testing directly inside the existing app

Primary LanguageJavaScript


npm npm

A React Native component for testing directly inside the existing app. It may be useful for testing native modules connected to the app.


  1. npm install react-native-in-app-testing -D

  2. Import ReactNativeInAppTesting module and insert the imported component into any another React Native component and specify required props:

    import ReactNativeInAppTesting from 'react-native-in-app-testing'
            testFunctions={ arrayOfTestFunctions }
            coverageText="Coverage of connected modules"

How to write tests

At first import it and connectModule functions and connect native modules which are supposed to test.

import ReactNativeInAppTesting from 'react-native-in-app-testing'
const { it, connectModule } = ReactNativeInAppTesting

const SomeNativeModule = connectModule( NativeModules.SomeNativeModule )

Test functions have to be inside an array which is passed as a prop to ReactNativeInAppTesting component.

Each of passed test functions has to return a promise and the test runner shows results in dependency of the promise state (fulfilled or rejected).

Example with chai assertion library:

For correct work of the chai library may need to install buffer as a dev dependency.

import { NativeModules } from 'react-native'
import ReactNativeInAppTesting from 'react-native-in-app-testing'
const { it, connectModule } = ReactNativeInAppTesting
import { expect } from 'chai'

const SomeNativeModule = connectModule( NativeModules.SomeNativeModule )

const testFunctions = [
    it( 'some method should return an array', () => {
        return new Promise( ( resolve, reject ) => {
            SomeNativeModule.someMethod( ( response ) => {
                    try {
                        expect( response ).to.be.instanceof( Array )
                    } catch ( error ) {
                        reject( error )
        } )
    } )