
Certified Openstack Administrator

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COA Cheat Sheet

Identity: Keystone

  1. Create a project named "new-project1", a user "new-user1" with password "new-user1" , and assign role "manager" to that user.

    Create new project

    openstack project create new-project1 --description "new project" --domain default

    Create new user with password

    openstack user create --project new-project1 --domain default --email "new-user1@user.id" --password new-user1

    Assign role manager

    openstack role add --user new-user1 --project new-project1 --user-domain default manager
  2. Without accessing Horizon, build a user credential file to get access to CLI openstack client.

    • project domain id : default
    • user domain id : default
    • project name : admin
    • user name : admin
    • type of password : password

    Get project name & id

    openstack --os-auth-url --os-project-domain-id default \
        --os-user-domain-id default --project-name admin --os-username admin \
        --os-password rahasia --os-identity-api-version 3 project list

    Get neutron endpoint id

    openstack --os-auth-url --os-project-domain-id default \
        --os-user-domain-id default --project-name admin --os-username admin \
        --os-password rahasia --os-identity-api-version 3 endpoint list

    Using endpoint id, get auth url

    openstack --os-auth-url --os-project-domain-id default \
        --os-user-domain-id default --project-name admin --os-username admin \
        --os-password rahasia --os-identity-api-version 3 endpoint show ENDPOINT-ID

    Build the file

    export OS_AUTH_URL=http://x.x.x.x:35357/v3.0
    export OS_TENANT_ID=xxxxx
    export OS_TENANT_NAME="admin"
    export OS_USERNAME="admin"
    export OS_PASSWORD="rahasia"

    Source to file

  3. A new service is developed to manage projects IPv4 and IPv6 address space (IPAM). You are asked to create a service and associate the appropriate endpoints:


    - type: ipam
    - name: ipam
    - description: ipam service

    Endpoint Interfaces

     - public http://controller:60666
     - admin http://controller:60666
     - internal http://controller:60666
     - Region: RegionOne

    Create service ipam

    openstack service create --name ipam --description "ipam service" ipam

    Create endpoint

    openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne ipam public 
    openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne ipam admin
    openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne ipam internal

    Domain spesific configuration

    • Create a domain named "domain1"
      openstack domain create domain1
    • Create a project named "domain1_project1" within the domain "domain1"
      openstack project create domain1_project1 --domain domain1
    • Create a user "domain1_admin" in the domain "domain1"
      openstack user create --domain domain1 --email "domain1_admin@domain1.id" --password rahasia
    • Assign domain scope "admin" role to user "domain1_admin"
      openstack role add --domain domain1 --user domain1_admin admin
    • Create a regular user within the domain "domain1"
      openstack user create --domain domain1 --project domain1_project1 --email "user1@user.id" --password rahasia


  1. (Keypair) From demo account, generate a public keypair named mypubkey1 for use with openstack instances

    nova keypair-add mypubkey1 > key1.pem
    chmod 600 key1.pem
  2. (Flavor) From admin account, create a new flavor named m1.extra_tiny with

    • RAM: 64mb
    • Root disk size: 0
    • CPU: 1
    . admin_rc.sh
    nova flavor-create m1.extra_tiny auto 64 0 1 --rxt-factor 1.0
  3. Allow the tenant (project) "demo" to access the flavor

    nova flavor-access-add m1.extra_tiny demo
  4. Add new rules to the default security group "default" to allow access instances from internet through SSH, http and ICMP.

    openstack security group rule create --proto icmp
    openstack security group rule create --proto tcp --src-ip --dst-port 22 default
    openstack security group rule create --proto tcp --src-ip --dst-port 80 default
  5. Provision the following instance

    • image: cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-uec
    • flavor: m1.tiny
    • keypair: mypubkey1
    • security group: default
    nova boot instance2 --image cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-uec --flavor m1.tiny --key-name mypubkey1 --nic net-name=net-int --security-group default
  6. Create a pair key with ssh-keygen (we want to have a keypair created outside of openstack). Now, add the created key with openstack with name "mykey1"

    ssh-keygen -q -f keypair
    nova keypair-add --pub-key keypair.pub mykey1  
  7. This time, create a pair key directly with openstack and name it "mykey2"

    openstack keypair create mykey2 > mykey2.pem
  8. Provision the following instance

    • name: instance7
    • image: cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-uec
    • flavor: m1.tiny
    • keypair: mykey1
    • security group: default
    nova boot --flavor m1.tiny --image cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-uec --key-name mykey1 --security-groups default --nic net-id=41c0a2ee-e780-4efe-beba-05abbb658b52 instance7
  9. Create a floating IP (from the public subnet) and assign it to the instance7

    openstack floating ip create --project admin --project-domain default net-ext
  10. Log to the machine console using the keypair mykey1 using the floating IP assigned to the instance7

    ssh -i mykey1.pem ubuntu@floating-ip


  1. Create Volume
# volume name : volume-cli
# volume size : 1 GB
openstack volume create --size 1 volume-cli --description "COA Cheat Sheet Cinder"
  1. Attach volume volume-cli to instance instance-cli
openstack server add volume instance-cli volume-cli
  1. Manage volume inside a instance (ssh to instance-cli)
sudo -i
fdisk -l
fdisk /dev/vdb
mkfs.ext4 /dev/vdb1
df -h
mount /dev/vdb1 /mnt
umount /dev/vdb1 /mnt
  1. Create snapshot from volume volume-cli
# volume name : volume-cli
# snapshot volume name : volume-snapshot-cli
openstack snapshot create --name volume-snapshot-cli volume-cli
  1. Create volume from snapshot volume-snapshot-cli
openstack volume create --snapshot volume-snapshot-cli --size 1 restored-snapshot-volume-cli
  1. Backup volume volume-cli ke container (object storage)
openstack volume backup create --name volume-backup-cli --description ""COA Cheat Sheet Cinder" --container volume-backup-container-cli volume-cli


  1. Create Image Ex : Cirros
# download cirros image
wget http://download.cirros-cloud.net/0.4.0/cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk.img

# create image openstack
openstack image create --file cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk.img --disk-format qcow2 --min-disk 1 --min-ram 512 --property description='Cirros Cloud Image for COA Exam Prep' cirros-cli
  1. Download image cirros-cli
openstack image save --file /tmp/mydownloadedimage.img cirros-cli
  1. Share cirros-cli to specified project example marketing project
# show project id
openstack project list | grep marketing

# share image to marketing project
openstack image add project cirros-cli 99a06694e4444e038d632aca0cc1a89e

99a06694e4444e038d632aca0cc1a89e is marketing project ID.


  1. Make sure tenant demo have the following limits
  • 15 backups
  • 15 000 gigabytes
  • 15 networks
  • 15 subnets
  1. Make sure user demo from tenant demo have the following limits
  • 15 cpu cores 15
  • floating ips
    neutron quota-update --tenant-id eb8ab62d9d3e493f8a1cb52953070949 --network 15 --subnet 15
    cinder quotas-update --backups 15 --gigabytes 15000  eb8ab62d9d3e493f8a1cb52953070949
    nova quota-update --cores 15 --floating-ips 15 eb8ab62d9d3e493f8a1cb52953070949
  1. Using p1_user1/openstack, check that project1 cannot create more instances

  2. Make sure that users in project1 can create 2 more instances

  3. Check that the new quotas is also applied for user=p1_user2,pass=openstack

  4. We want user=p2_user1,pass=openstack is able to create only 2 floating ips, but 5 floating ips for p2_user2/openstack

  5. Change the default quotas for any new project to:

  6. Create project "project3" and user "user3" within.

  7. Again, change the default quotas for any new project to:

  8. Create project "project4" and two users "user41" and "user42" within.

  9. Change the quotas for "user41" within "project4" to:

    • max 1 instances
    • max 1 cores
    • max 11111 RAM
    • max 11 floating_ips