
Process postgresql logs; merge-filter logs, send them to elasticstack, move them to backup server.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


pglogway service for linux systems

  • process postgresql logs in csv format
  • convert csv lines into json and send it to elastic stack
  • json namespace is compatible with elastic stack
  • gzip and send log files to remote backup server
  • rollover; keeps track of new csv file, rollover when needed
  • online; tails csv file and process new csv lines
  • duration; extract duration value as a json key
  • summarizes; follow session and merges parse-bind-command-command csv line into one json line with extra duration parameters.
  • virtual session; adds virtual session paramter, 'discard all' increases virtual session id
  • telnet terminal to monitor
  • service linux user is pglogway


  • Only for linux systems

  • Download and extract pglogway-install.tar.gz

  • Run install.sh in pglogway directory

  • Service is ready start, before starting let's configure

  • Service runs with postgres user 1 ssh-keygen -t rsa 2 ssh-copy-id

    367 chmod -R g+rwx /pgdata/log


In postgresql.conf

log_filename = 'postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S'
log_destination = 'csvlog'
log_line_prefix = '' 
log_duration = on
log_rotation_age = 1h
log_rotation_size = 0			
log_checkpoints = 'on'
log_connections = 'on'
log_disconnections = 'on'
log_lock_waits = 'on'
log_statement = 'all'
log_error_verbosity = 'verbose' 
log_file_mode = 0640

In /etc/pglogway.ini



systemctl start pglogway.service
systemctl enable pglogway.service


systemctl status pglogway.service
log file /var/log/pglogway/pglogway.log


>telnet 2300


3.0.0 Push logs to postgresql server

1.2.0 unix_socket added to json. If client_connection came as [local] client.ip will be null and unix_socket will be true

2.0.3 elasticsearch index mappings added log4j->log4j2 2.1.0 Store management added 2.2.0 Filters added Clean csvlog pair files 2.3.0 No elastic option added 2.4.0 duration parse duzeltildi mesaja host.name, postgresql.log.port eklendi linux kullanicisi artik pglogway 2.5.1 hata olustugunda uygulama log yazarak kendisini kapatiyor telnet'e version komutu eklendi 2.5.4 csv dosyasinda hata olusursa, o csv dosyasi ignore edilerek calismaya devam ediliyor 2.6.0 alarm 2.8.0 query_hash added