
Study notes relating to the introduction of ES6.


This is a set of notes I've made from learning about ES6 from The Complete JavaScript Course in Section 7: Intro to ES6

Variable Declarations with Let and Const

  • const: Values that we want to be the same (constant)
  • let: Values that we are able to mutate/change (similar to the old var)

Variables declared in the ES6 way are block scoped, as opposed to the old declaration of variables using var in ES5, which were function scoped.

Example: If you declare a variable within an if loop, these variables will only be accessible within this if loop only, and no where else within this function.

Block scoping refers to code wrapped within { ... }, so includes structures such as if, while, for, etc.

Blocks and IIFEs

Creation of a block

This isn't limited to structures such as if, else etc. - creating a block is possible by just writing: { ... }.

Writing IIFEs

You can use the creation of a simple block: { ... } to create IIFE style methods. This saves you from having to write the following structure which was used in ES5:

// ES5
(function() {
    // Code

// ES6
    // Code

Strings in ES6

  • String Literals: Allows for you to add variables into a string, without the old concatenation method in ES5.
// ES5
console.log('This is' + firstName + ' ' + lastName);

// ES6 - use backticks (`) instead of '
console.log(`This is ${firstName} ${lastName}`);

// Methods can also be placed with ${ ... }
  • String Methods
    • startsWith('x'): Returns true if the string starts with x
    • endWith('x'): Returns true if the string ends with x
    • includes('x'): Returns true if the string contains the pattern specified ('x')
    • repeat(n): Repeats the string by the specified number of times (n)

Arrow Functions

Functions can be written more simply with Arrow Functions. Below is a brief description of writing a basic function, followed by a comparison between ES5 and ES6.

  • Function argument: el
  • Function declaration: =>
  • Function return: 2016 - el
el => 2016 - el;

Below is a comparison of a function in ES5 and then a function in ES6.

Example 1: Basic Function

const years = [1990, 1965, 1982, 1937];

// ES5
var age5 = years.map(function(el) {
    return 2016 - el;

// ES6
const age6 = years.map(el => 2016 - el);

Example 2: More Complex Function

Things to note in comparison to the first example:

  • You must wrap function arguments in parentheses when there is more than 1
  • You must wrap the function contents in curly braces when there is more than one line of code
  • You must write the return keyword explicitly
ages6 = years.map((el, index) => {
    const now = new Date().getFullYear();
    const age = now - el;
    return `Age element ${index + 1}: ${age}`;

Arrow Functions: Lexical 'this' Keyword

Arrow functions do not have their own 'this' variable. Instead, they use the 'this' variable of the function they are written in.

It is for this reason that it is described to have a lexical 'this' keyword.

function Person(name) {
    this.name = name;

Person.prototype.myFriends6 = friends => {
    let arr = frields.map(el => `${this.name} is friends with ${el}`);


Destructuring is the process of breaking down a data structure into constituent variables. Examples below show how this is possible for Arrays and Objects.


let foo = ['one', 'two', 'three'];

let [red, yellow, green] = foo;
console.log(red); // "one"
console.log(yellow); // "two"
console.log(green); // "three"


let o = {p: 42, q: true};
let {p, q} = o;

console.log(p); // 42
console.log(q); // true 

Arrays in ES6


  • Array.from(x): Converts the input, x, into an Array.
  • arrayName.findIndex(): Retrieve the index of the specificed value. A method can be passed into this.
  • arrayName.find(): Retrieve the values which satisfies the condition passed into the method.


The name of the new loop is called for of. It combines the features of a traditional for loop and the forEach loop, allowing for a more effective use of the for loop on an array. For example, you can now use the continue or break statement within this loop.

// Change the value of the first and third elements only
arr = [1, 2, 3];
for (const cur of arr)
    if (cur.value === 2)

    cur.value = 50;

The Spread Operator

The operator looks like this: ...arrayName, where each element is expanded. This means that each element is broken down into constituent parts, making it easy to list all the array elements. This also works on other structures, such as nodeLists.

function addFourAges (a,b,c,d)
    return a+b+c+d;

var ages = [19, 32, 12, 18];

// The individual values of the ages array are passed into the method
const agesAdded = addFourAges(...ages);

Function Parameters

Rest Parameters

Allows for some arbituary arguments to be passed into a function, and from this, it will be transformed into an array, to be used within the function. It allows for standard parameters to be distinguished between arbituary ones.

// ...years -> The years variable is available for us in this function, which will be 
// an array of all the arguments passed in.
function isFullAge(limit, ...years)
    years.forEach(cur => console.log((2016- cur) >= limit));

Default Parameters

Allows for us to have pre-determined values for a parameter.

// lastName has a default parameter of 'Smith'
function Person(firstName, yearOfBirth, lastName = 'Smith')
    // Code

Maps - New Data Structure

A key:value data structure, allowing for any values to be used as keys. They can be better alternatives to using objects for the following reasons:

  • Any value can be used as keys
  • Can be iterated over using 'forEach' and 'for on'
  • Size of the map is easily retrieved
  • Data can easily be added/removed
// Create a new Map
const question = new Map();

// Setting up key:value pairs with set()
question.set('question', 'What is the official name of the latest major version of JavaScript?')';
question.set(1, 'ES5');
question.set(2, 'ES6');
question.set(3, 'ES2015');
question.set(4, 'ES7');
question.set('correct', 3);
question.set(true, 'Correct!');
question.set(false, 'Incorrect');

// Retrieving values from the Map

// Retrieve the size of the map
let size = question.size;

// Remove a value from the map

// Check if a key exists in the map
if (question.has(4))
    // Do something if true

// Delete ALL elements of the map

// forEach method on a map
question.forEach( (key, value) =>
console.log(`The ${key} with value ${value}`)

// for of method on a map
// entries() returns the key,value pairs, and then we use
// destructuring to store these values in key and value
for (let [key, value] of question.entries())
    // Code


In ES5, Function Constructors are used for the definition of classes. We would then add methods to the prototype of the constructor to allow for them to be inherited.

// ES5
var Person5 = function(name, yearOfBirth, job)
    this.name = name;
    this.yearOfBirth = yearOfBirth;
    this.job = job;

Person5.prototype.calculateAge = function()
    // Code

// ES6
// Defining the class
class Person6 {
    // All classes must have a constructor method
    constructor (name, yearOfBirth, job)
        this.name = name;
        this.yearOfBirth = yearOfBirth;
        this.job = job;

        // Code

    // Static method - no instance of class needed to run these
    static greeting()

// Creating an instance of the class
const john6 = new Person6('John', 1990, 'Teacher');

// Calling a static method

Classes with Subclasses

This section details how to go about inheriting from one class, the super class to another class, being the sub class. This is possible in both ES5 and ES6 with different implementations, so this is detailed below.

// Creation of superclass, with a method added to its prototype
var Person5 = function(name, yearOfBirth, job) {
    this.name = name;
    this.yearOfBirth = yearOfBirth;
    this.job = job;

Person5.prototype.calculateAge = function() {
    var age = new Date().getFullYear() - this.yearOfBirth;

// Creation of subclass
var Athlete5 = function(name, yearOfBirth, job, olymicGames, medals) {
    // Setting the 'this' variable of Person5 to the Athlete5 object, allowing for us to inherit from this objects properties.
    Person5.call(this, name, yearOfBirth, job);

    // Adding our own properties, specific to an Athlete.
    this.olymicGames = olymicGames;
    this.medals = medals;

// Creating a new instance of Person5 and setting the prototype to the Athlete's prototype, giving us access to the Person5 methods.
Athlete5.prototype = Object.create(Person5.prototype);

// Adding our own method to the Athlete5 prototype. This will be inherited by any new Athlete5 instance.
Athlete5.prototype.wonMedal = function() {

// Creating a new instance of an athlete and calling methods from the superclass and subclass
var johnAthlete5 = new Athlete5('John', 1990, 'swimmer', 3, 10);

// ES6

// Defining the superclass
class Person6
    // All classes must have a constructor method
    constructor (name, yearOfBirth, job)
        this.name = name;
        this.yearOfBirth = yearOfBirth;
        this.job = job;

        console.log('Age code here!');

// Defining the subclass
class Athlete6 extends Person6
    constructor(name, yearOfBirth, job, olympicGames, medals)
        // Super will make a call to the superclass constructor method
        super(name, yearOfBirth, job);
        this.olympicGames = olympicGames;
        this.medals = medals;

    // Adding a method to the Athlete6 prototype property
    wonMedal() {

const johnAthlete6 = new Athlete6('John', 1990, 'swimmer', 3, 10);