

This is my first project using React. The idea was to built a to do list app where a user could add/remove items from a list.

Steps to achieve this so far

Using the Context API

I recently finished learning about the Context API from the course I'm taking on Udemy (add link here) and wanted to practice using this.

Context API: From my current understanding, it is used to avoid the dreaded passing of props down multiple layers of an application. I understand that this must be great tool to utilise.

However, my app is very simple so I could have done without the Context API in this instance. I am happy to have implemented it here as it forced me to read a lot of ReactJS documentation.

Thought process as I built the basics of the app

Component 1: MyContext (Context API)

I started with getting the Context API setup in a new class based component: MyProvider. In here I do the following things:

  • Set up context using the createContext() method
  • Set up state in this class with an items array, holding each to do list item in an object.

Once I reach the render() method, the following things are done:

  • I instantiate the context object (MyContext) with the Provider component. This takes a value attribute, containing all of the props that you want to pass to descending components (called consumers).
Component 2: ToDoList (Generation of the to do list)

In the ToDoList component, I make use of the Consumer component instantiated on the MyContext object. Inside this component, you must call a function which provides you with access to all of the context values in an argument - I call this context.

InputElement() method - component:

Inside this component, I have two inputs: one is not linked to the context, whereas the other one is. This last input makes use of a method held in the context, allowing for the currentItem to be stored.

To store the current item when the user submits an item, I make use of refs. This allows for me to save a reference to the input button where the submission was fired from, so I can pull out the value of this and save it in my context.

render() method:

This is where the InputElement is instantiated followed by another Consumer. Here I access the items inside my context which make up the to do list, and use the map method to output these in a list.

Component 3: App (Main Component)

This merges the context component and ToDoList component together to create the desired output.

Future areas to work on

This app is no where near 'done'. It was mocked together to quickly practice a few React basics (state, props, context API, use of refs) so I don't forget them. This README will serve as a way for me to see how I used these concepts later down the line too. However below I have a list of things to add:

  • Ability to remove items
  • Styling: virtually no styles applied!
  • Have a user account to store To Do List items
  • Linked to above: add a backend to handle to do items
  • Split out components into separare files for when I add on to the app: maintainability