
BSc Computer Science 2021 - Final Year Project (MongoDB, Express, React, Node)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Shift Mangement Application

Project Purpose

This project was developed as part of my BSc Computer Science degree (2021) as part of my dissertation: "Shift Management Web Application to Aid Management Teams".

The purpose of this project was to replace an Excel-based system at my old workplace for handling the working schedule of the management team. After identifying various issues with the current Excel based system, I worked to eliminate these through building this web application.

Please note that this is not an open project, so there is no sign up process. Please contact me for account details if you intend to make use of this app for experimentation.


This web application is for anyone who wants to manage the working schedules of their teams.

You can log in as either an employee or a manager.

Employees can:

  • View their own working shifts
  • Export their shifts to PDF

Managers can do the same, but with the following extras:

  • Adding, editing or deleting shifts for any employee


This project has two installation sections, for the Frontend (React) and Backend (Node)

Front End

Navigate to the shift-frontend folder and execute the following commands:

  yarn install
  yarn start

The application should automatically open up at http://localhost:3000/.

Back End

Navigate to the server folder and execute the following commands:

  yarn install
  yarn start

The server should start up at http://localhost:5000/ - a message to confirm this will be displayed in the terminal.

Running Tests

Front End

Run the following command in the shift-frontend folder:

  yarn run cypress open

Back End

If an instance of the server is already running in another terminal, kill this process first before executing the tests. Run the following command in the server folder:

  yarn test

Tech Stack

JavaScript using the following:

Client: React, Cypress for Integration Testing

Server: MongoDB, Express, Node, Mocha & Chai for Unit Testing