

Primary LanguageJavaScript


wk is a CLI tool for writing web applications with typescript


visit nodejs website to download & install nodejs

install typescript and wk CLI

npm i -g typescript
npm i -g wk-toolkit


run init command to generate boilerplate files

wk init

run start command to start a web server and file watcher that compiles your ts files on file change

wk start

run new command to create a new component folder with ts/html/css files in it

wk new component-name

you can write any kebap-case name for your component

run build command to make an optimized production build

wk build

run wk to see list all commands


components are the bare bones of the wk. every component has its own ts,html and css file and starts with a call to base class contructor.


which populates the root element with the markup writen in .html file of that component.


  1. class, namespace and interface names are PascalCase
  2. file, folder, html attributes are kebap-case
  3. method and variables are camelCase
  4. braces are in allman style