Laravel localization

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This package helps you to use multiple languages in your projects. You can write languages and their word equivalents and use them in your application. I recommend using redis for better performance.


  • PHP 8,
  • Laravel 6, 7, 8 latest version,
  • Redis or TaggableStore driver for cache.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require yusufonur/laravel-localization

You can publish and run the migrations with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="YusufOnur\LaravelLocalization\LaravelLocalizationServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"
php artisan migrate

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="YusufOnur\LaravelLocalization\LaravelLocalizationServiceProvider" --tag="config"


$turkish = LaravelLocalization::createLanguage("Türkçe", "tr");
$english = LaravelLocalization::createLanguage("İngilizce", "en");

$metaHome = LaravelLocalization::createLanguageMeta("home");
$metaContact = LaravelLocalization::createLanguageMeta("Contact");

LaravelLocalization::createLanguageMetaTranslate($turkish, $metaHome, "Anasayfa");
LaravelLocalization::createLanguageMetaTranslate($turkish, $metaContact, "İletişim");
LaravelLocalization::createLanguageMetaTranslate($english, $metaHome, "Home");
LaravelLocalization::createLanguageMetaTranslate($english, $metaContact, "Contact");

return LaravelLocalization::getLanguageMetaTranslatesRegular();
          "en": {
            "home": "Home",
            "Contact": "Contact"
          "tr": {
            "home": "Anasayfa",
            "Contact": "İletişim"

Helper Usage

{{ __local("home") }}

If default language (you can get with app()->getLocale()) then result is tr: "Anasayfa"

If getLocale then result is en: "Home"


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
