
Emacs configuretion file

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp


.emacs.d :: Emacs configuretion


  • OS : MacOSX 10.8.2
  • Emacs : 24.2

また、後述の利用しているパッケージの幾つかを使用する設定が含まれています。 そのため、パッケージをインストールしないとそのままでは利用できない場合があります。 少なくとも、下記のパッケージの設定をおこなっています。

  • auto-complete
  • solarized-theme


$ cd ${HOME}
$ git clone git://github.com/Vit-Symty/.emacs.d.git .



anti-zenburn-theme 20130129.... installed  Low-contrast Zenburn-inverted theme [source: github]
apache-mode        20080905.553 installed  major mode for editing Apache configuration files [source: wiki]
auto-complete      20130122.... installed  Auto Completion for GNU Emacs [source: github]
birds-of-paradi... 20120811.... installed  A brown/orange light-on-dark theme for Emacs 24 (deftheme). [source: github]
coffee-mode        20130125.... installed  Major mode to edit CoffeeScript files in Emacs [source: github]
git-commit-mode    20130127.... installed  Major mode for editing git commit messages [source: github]
gitconfig-mode     20121012.... installed  Major mode for editing .gitconfig files [source: github]
github-theme       0.0.3        installed  Github color theme for GNU Emacs 24
gitignore-mode     20121012.... installed  Major mode for editing .gitignore files [source: github]
haml-mode          20130130.... installed  Major mode for editing Haml files [source: github]
header2            20121228.... installed  Support for creation and update of file headers. [source: wiki]
html-script-src    20121008.... installed  Insert <script ...> tags for popular JavaScript libraries [source: github]
http-post-simple   20081104.... installed  HTTP POST requests using the url library [source: wiki]
inf-ruby           20121215.... installed  Run a ruby process in a buffer [source: github]
ir-black-theme     20120618.... installed  Port of ir-black theme [source: github]
lib-requires       20121228.... installed  Commands to list Emacs Lisp library dependencies. [source: wiki]
magit              20130206.... installed  Control Git from Emacs. [source: github]
markdown-mode      20130121.... installed  Emacs Major mode for Markdown-formatted text files [source: github]
monokai-theme      0.0.8        installed  REQUIRES EMACS 24: Monokai Color Theme for Emacs.
pastels-on-dark... 20120304.... installed  Pastels on Dark theme for Emacs 24 [source: github]
php-extras         0.2.1        installed  Extra features for `php-mode'
php-mode           20130206.... installed  Major mode for editing PHP code [source: github]
popup              20130117.... installed  Visual Popup User Interface [source: github]
ruby-block         20111101.... installed  highlight matching block [source: wiki]
ruby-compilation   20121209.... installed  run a ruby process in a compilation buffer [source: github]
ruby-electric      20130127.... installed  Minor mode with electric editing commands for Ruby files [source: github]
ruby-end           20121008.... installed  Automatic insertion of end blocks for Ruby. [source: github]
ruby-interpolation 20120326.... installed  Ruby string interpolation helpers [source: github]
ruby-mode          20121202.... installed  Major mode for editing Ruby files [source: svn]
ruby-test-mode     20121120.... installed  Minor mode for Behaviour and Test Driven [source: github]
ruby-tools         20121008.... installed  Collection of handy functions for ruby-mode. [source: github]
sass-mode          20101019.30  installed  Major mode for editing Sass files [source: github]
shell-command      20090621.... installed  enables tab-completion for `shell-command' [source: wiki]
smarty-mode        20100703.... installed  major mode for editing smarty templates [source: github]
solarized-theme    20130108.651 installed  The Solarized color theme, ported to Emacs. [source: github]
ssh                20120904.... installed  Support for remote logins using ssh. [source: github]
ssh-config-mode    20120513.... installed  Mode for fontification of ~/.ssh/config [source: github]
twilight-anti-b... 20120713.... installed  A soothing Emacs 24 light-on-dark theme [source: github]
twilight-bright... 20120630.... installed  A Emacs 24 faces port of the TextMate theme [source: github]
twilight-theme     20120412.803 installed  Twilight theme for GNU Emacs 24 (deftheme) [source: github]
yaoddmuse          20120605.... installed  Yet another oddmuse for Emacs [source: wiki]