Chainer implementation of "Perceptual Losses for Real-Time Style Transfer and Super-Resolution".
- 0
Could you guys help me to add a license to the "collection of pre-trained models"?
#110 opened by hdlopez - 4
is there a tiny train dataset?
#77 opened by albertyou2 - 1
why do you set batch_size equal 1
#103 opened by yayeoCddy - 5
- 1
error in sh setup_model.sh
#98 opened by yep-hy - 10
- 5
ValueError: test argument is not supported anymore. Use chainer.using_config
#91 opened by wangkepermit - 6
- 4
- 5
cupy.cuda.compiler.CompileException: nvrtc: error: failed to load builtins
#106 opened by neelkadia-zz - 0
How much is the proper training epoch?
#108 opened by stichy41 - 0
- 0
OutOfMemoryError when generate on Azure ND6 VM
#104 opened by taurenshaman - 0
Is there a style size?
#102 opened by blackhalt - 0
- 0
#100 opened by wangkepermit - 1
- 1
Memory error without GPU.
#89 opened by yangboz - 1
cupy/cuda/cudnn error: integer required
#63 opened by tisawe - 0
how to download vgg16 and setup it ?
#97 opened by yep-hy - 0
Output size few pixels smaller
#95 opened by ChoclateRain - 6
- 0
error in run train.py
#92 opened by wangkepermit - 1
How to train a new model?
#88 opened by linrio - 5
Keep original colors?
#78 opened by artnose - 10
4K Video example !
#70 opened by ttoinou - 1
Here is a bug when style video
#86 opened by dovanchan - 0
iOS App
#85 opened by ArtlyStyles - 0
Interactive Examples & Demo Playground
#84 opened by StyleMyImage - 0
Photo realistic transfer..
#83 opened by artnose - 1
Same with Sound?
#82 opened by LionisIAm - 4
Further explanation on setup and workflow
#81 opened by petru-dimitriu - 0
About the license
#79 opened by Jinluna - 25
remove the noise from the generated image
#68 opened by jackieyung - 0
ImportError: cannot import name serializers
#76 opened by CJHFUTURE - 1
bigger image size
#66 opened by artnose - 0
Weird artifakts when applying style
#73 opened by sudevbohra - 3
is training model correct?
#72 opened by shridharkini6 - 2
"Halo" effect problem
#71 opened by Rachnog - 3
How to train the net work
#67 opened by gecong - 9
Undocumented difference to paper
#69 opened by fxtentacle - 2
- 9
Weird error
#57 opened by mxchinegod - 4
- 1
The format of the model file
#65 opened by gecong - 0
setup_model.sh is very slow
#64 opened by gecong - 0
GPU memory usage - No issue
#61 opened by SedAtli - 0
NeuralStyler AI
#60 opened by rupeshs - 3
Training failing on Microsoft COCO dataset
#59 opened by umerebryx - 0
Response time in GTX 1080
#58 opened by vermapratyush