
This repository is used for collaboration of 431 Data Visualization assignment.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This repository is used for collaboration of 431 Data Visualization assignment.

  1. movie.csv is the dataset used for analysis
  2. run setup.R first to set working directory, download/load required packages and optionally download data files.
  3. sample_analysis.R has done some basic analysis
  4. time_series_analysis.R explores relationship between month and average movie adjusted gross revenue divided by genres
  5. domestic_overseas.R explores the relationship between US revenue and overseas revenue based on genres and studios

Graphs/Conclusions/Reports are in 431 Google team drive

Current setup function

setup(desired_working_file_name = "team_assignment_1", required_packages = c("tidyverse","stringr","forcats","ggrepel","lubridate"))