Facebook bot sources for Api.ai integration
Deploy with Heroku
Follow these instructions.
Deploy with Docker
docker run -it --name fb_bot \
-p <your_desired_port>:5000 \
-e APIAI_ACCESS_TOKEN="API.AI client access token" \
-e FB_PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN="Facebook Page Access Token" \
-e FB_VERIFY_TOKEN="Facebook Verify Token" \
-e APIAI_LANG="en" \
Note about languages:
When you deploy the app manually to Heroku, the APIAI_LANG not filled with a value. You need to provide language parameter according to your agent settings in the form of two-letters code.
- "en"
- "ru"
- "de"
- "pt"
- "pt-BR"
- "es"
- "fr"
- "it"
- "ja"
- "ko"
- "zh-CN"
- "zh-HK"
- "zh-TW"