
A small, no-dependencies package that converts text representations of streams/observables into static canvas visualizations. Useful for adding visualizations to docs. Based on statlz's awesome interactive rxmarbles project.


npm intall text-to-marbles


<div id='marbles'>
, ,1,2,3, ,4,|
,a, , ,b,c,d
# sampleOn
, , , ,b, ,d 
  • each line of text represents a stream/observable
  • each comma separated unit represents a value on a stream
  • a | represents the end of a stream/observable
  • a # at the beginning of a line creates a text row


import textToMarbles from 'text-to-marbles'

let config = {colors: ['blue', 'yellow', 'green']}

// Takes either a DOM element or selector string for the first argument
// and an optional config object for the second argument.
textToMarbles(document.getElementById('marbles'), config)


  • colors: Takes an array of colors. Each color will be applied to the corresponding stream's/observable's marbles.