
Primary LanguageTypeScript


Track is a web app for UBC students, faculty and staff to keep everyone safe from the spread of COVID-19. It is used to track where they have been, what circle of acquaintances they have, and for students - what classes they are taking. When someone they have potentially come in contact with contracts COVID-19, they are notified so that they could take the necessary next steps to prevent further spread of the disease.

Technical infrastructure of the project:

The project is separated into two main folders, the client as the front-end components visible to the user, and the server as the back-end components with a RESTful API design. Thus, anything that can be done by accomplished by the client can also be achieved through API calls to the server.

The tech stack includes Node.js (Typescript), React, CSS, Postgresql. Additional tools including Insomnia, Prettier, Yarn, NPM, Joi, React Bootstrap, Redux, and Express.js.


The entrance to the server is the src/index.ts file, it gives access to all the controllers (API endpoints). Each entity and relationship belongs in its own file in src/, with corresponding controller, schema (if necessary), service, and queries file. There are also additional folders named src/joins and src/helpers that supports any queries using multiple tables and helper functionalities (commonly used queries, tables column names as constants, parsers, etc.) respectively.

In the src/ there are also commonly used errors in src/errors.ts and a src/QueryService.ts that communicates directly with the database. Please not that the QueryService will load all Postgres settings from the .env file, and will also log any queries that it processes on the console.

In the sql_scripts lives the scripts that automates Postgres table creation and data insert.


The entrance to the client is the src/index.tsx which loads the app and associated router. The routes are loaded in the src/App.tsx file.

The querying to the backend is done by the different services in the src/services folder, where there is a file corresponding to each category of service e.g. src/services/covid_test.service.ts It includes an additional service that handles a simplistic authentication using a cookie that does not expire.

The src/model folder contains all the data models that are used by the front-end. The src/conversions folder does the translation between the JSON that is returned by the API and the data model that is consumed.

All the react redux forms, CSS formatting, interaction are defined by category in the src/features.

To setup the project:

  1. Install yarn, node.js, homebrew, npm

  2. brew install postgresql

  3. Setup Postgres Database on terminal, (<variable> indicates a variable to be filled in)
    brew services start postgresql
    psql postgres
    postgres=# CREATE ROLE <custom role name> WITH LOGIN PASSWORD '<password for role>';
    postgres=# ALTER ROLE <custom role name> CREATEDB;
    postgres=# \q
    psql -d postgres -U <custom role name>
    postgres=> CREATE DATABASE <database name>;
    postgres=> \c <database name>\

  4. track/server$ cp .env.example .env

  5. Optional create Twilio account to send SMS messages https://www.twilio.com/try-twilio

  6. Modify contents in .env to match your setup
    POSTGRES_USER=<custom role name>
    POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<password for role>
    POSTGRES_DATABASE=<database name>
    POSTGRES_PORT=5432 is the default, but if you changed it, change this

  7. Only if you are using Twilio, modify these contents in .env to match your twilio details TWILIO_ACC_SID=<Twilio account sid> TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN=<Twilio authorization token>
    TWILIO_PHONE_NUM=<Twilio phone number>
    TWILIO_SEND="TRUE" remember to set this to "TRUE" to receive messages

  8. Only if you are using Twilio, make sure that all the numbers are registered with your Twilio account at https://www.twilio.com/console/phone-numbers/verified if not it will console log an error

  9. track/server$ yarn

  10. track/server$ yarn updateData

  11. track/client$ yarn (optional, do this if you want to build the client files, otherwise you can load the last build by going to localhost:3000 directly)

To access all service endpoints directly without client:

  1. Install Insomnia

  2. Import Insomnia.yaml file to Insomnia

  3. track/server$ yarn start

  4. Run endpoints by clicking Send button

To start the project, in two terminals:

track/server$ yarn start

track/client$ yarn start (optional, you can go to localhost:3000 to run the last built client files)

The client will run in localhost:5000, while the server runs in localhost:3000

Going to localhost:3000/ will load the last built files. For client hot reload go to localhost:3000

Optional Setup to Get Mobile Notifications:

  1. Get a Twilio free trial at https://www.twilio.com/try-twilio

  2. Get a Twilio number with your Twilio account

  3. Modify contents in .env to match your setup
    TWILIO_SEND=TRUE set this to true to send text messages

  4. Add any phone numbers you will be texting to https://www.twilio.com/console/phone-numbers/verified

Optional Setup to Get Email Notifications:

  1. Enable Gmail API https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/quickstart/nodejs (I recommend to do this with a throwaway Google account, since too many messages may make Google think you are spamming people and freeze your account)

  2. Download the credentials file

  3. Modify contents in .env to match your setup (details are in the downloaded credentials.json)
    GMAIL_REDIRECT_URI=<redirect_uris[0]> I believe the default is urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob
    GMAIL_SENDER=<you email that you registered with>
    GMAIL_SEND=TRUE set this to true to send email notifications

  4. On first run, it will ask for you to authenticate the app on a url through the console. Please be careful with this, since it will send emails to anyone who has their emails in person's table in any row that is directly impacted by a person becoming infected. The default emails in the script are our emails.

Troubleshooting Suggestions:

  • Make sure that your psql user has read write permissions

  • If yarn updateData fails (you should be able to tell through the console that some tables were not created or inserted properly) go to sql_scripts folder and run source reset_tables.sh. For this script to run, the .env file must be setup properly with your psql details.

  • If anything relating yarn, Node.js, or npm is not working, please upgrade your version, for your reference, we have used yarn 1.22.5, node v10.22.0, npm 6.14.6

  • If any of these commands are not working, take a look at the corresponding package.json file to see the command it is running, and you could always run them separately or run similar commands.

  • Please note that we are using TypeScript, so you will have to compile your files before running, that should be done when you run yarn start, but if anything goes wrong, you can manually compile the files and run it. If there are still problems, try deleting your dist/ folder and recompiling.

  • You can access any of the endpoints on Postman or Curl if you prefer, but we do not have preloaded scripts for you to run.

  • If Google and the link below has not been helpful in setting up your environment, please contact Yutian Lin ASAP by email at me@yutianlin.com

Additional Details:

  • refer to https://blog.logrocket.com/setting-up-a-restful-api-with-node-js-and-postgresql-d96d6fc892d8/ for more information