
Convenience methods for swift

Primary LanguageSwift

About SwiftUtils

Convenience methods for swift.


  • Swift3 or higher


  • iOS 10 or higher
  • macOS 10.11 or higher


  • Carthage
    create Cartfile in the root directory of your project.
    add content github "yutingLei/SwiftUtils" "master" to it
    run command carthage update, also you can add option--platform iOS | --platform MacOS accroding to your platform


  • Color

    Typealise UIColor and NSColor to SUColor according to platforms.

    • rgb(red,green,blue)
    • rgb(red,green,blue,alpha)
    • init(hex-string)
    // on iOS, use `UIColor`
    // also you can replace `UIColor` with `SUColor`
    let color1 = UIColor.rgb(255, 0, 0) // red
    let color2 = UIColor.rgb(0 0.5, 0) // half green
    let color3 = UIColor.rgb(0, 0, 1) // blue
    // it doesn't matter that has prefix `0x` pr `0x`
    let color4 = UIColor.init(hex: "0xFFF") // white, indicate `r,b,g`
    let color4 = UIColor.init(hex: "0xFFFF") // also is white, but is indicate `r,g,b,a`
    let color5 = UIColor.init(hex: "FFFFFF") // white, rrggbb
    let color6 = UIColor.init(hex: "FFFFFFFF") // white, rrggbbaa
    // on macOS, use `NSColor`
    // also you can replace `NSColor` with `SUColor`
    let color1 = NSColor.rgb(255, 0, 0) // red
    let color2 = NSColor.rgb(0 0.5, 0) // half green
    let color3 = NSColor.rgb(0, 0, 1) // blue
  • String

    Slice string

    • [..<]
    • [...]
     let oneString = "hello world"
     let subStr1 = oneString[0..<1] // "h"
     let subStr2 = oneString[0...1] // "he"
  • Image

    Process images

    • resizeTo(CGSize)
    • resize(Image, CGSize)
     // iOS
     let anImageObj = UIImage(named: "your_image_name")
     // macOS
     let anImageObj = NSImage(named: "your_image_name")
     // note: at below, `SUImage` equal `UIImage` on iOS
     //                 `SUImage` equal `NSImage` on macOS
     let newImage1 = anImageObj.resizeTo(CGSize(width: 120, height: 120))
     let newImage2 = SUImage.resize(anImageObj, to: CGSize(width: 120, height: 120))
  • QR Code

    Generate QR Code image

    • generate(content, dstSize?, centeredImage?, graphicColor?)
     // dstSize: the image's size
     // centeredImage: an image that will be stroked in the center of QR Code
     // graphicColor: which color to stroke
     let qrImage1 = SUtils.generate("hello world") // use options
     let qrImage2 = SUtils.generate("hello world", dstSize: CGSize(width: 200, height: 200)) // custom size
     let qrImage3 = SUtils.generate("hello world", centeredImage: SUImage(named: "your_icon_image")) // with an icon image
     let qrImage4 = SUtils.generate("hello world", graphicColor: SUColor.deepSkyBlue) // custom color
     let qrImage5 = SUtils.generate("hello world",, dstSize: CGSize(width: 200, height: 200), centeredImage: SUImage(named: "your_icon_image"), graphicColor: SUColor.deepSkyBlue) // all vars
  • Loading(iOS only)

    Loading animations for network request.

    • show(LoadingType?)
    • dismiss()
     // Show
     SULoading.show() // default type = .system
     SULoading.show(.classic) // type is .classic
     SULoading.show(.circleSnail) // type is .circleSnail
     // Dismiss