
Code for "Completed Local Derivative Pattern for Rotation Invariant Texture Classification" (ICIP2016)

Primary LanguageMATLABMIT LicenseMIT


Codes for the paper submitted to ICIP2016 titled "completed local derivative pattern for rotation invariant texture classification" By Yuting (huyuting@gatech.edu) Label: cldp_version1.0 Date: 02/02/2016.

Publication: Y. Hu, Z. Long, G. AlRegib, “Completed Local Derivative Pattern for Rotation Invariant Texture Classification,” IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2016), pp. 3548-3552, 2016.

Bib: @inproceedings{hu2016completed, title={Completed local derivative pattern for rotation invariant texture classification}, author={Hu, Yuting and Long, Zhiling and AlRegib, Ghassan}, booktitle={Image Processing (ICIP), 2016 IEEE International Conference on}, pages={3548--3552}, year={2016}, organization={IEEE} }

  1. Resources

    The codes are based on the following links:

    1. CLBP: the source codes of the proposed algorithm can be downloaded from http://www.comp.polyu.edu.hk/~cslzhang/code/CLBP.rar. The implemnetation of binary pattern extraction (CLDP) part is based on the revision of CLBP codes.
    2. DRLBP(Dominant Rotated Local binary pattern) MatlabCode: http://www.cs.tut.fi/~mehta/drlbp. The implementation of the CLDP-based texture classification on the Outex database is based on the classification part in DRLBP codes.

  1. Objective, database and main functions

    1. Objective: texture classification based on the histogram fusion of completed local derivative patterns (CLDP)
    2. Database: three test suits => Outex TC10("inca"), TC12("t184" and "horizon")
    3. Main functions a. cldp_d(img,r,p,mapping,'h'): inputs: original image img, radius r, the number of sampoing points p, mapping manners mapping, hitogram 'h' outputs: the cldp_d histogram of an image b. test_cldp_d_outex=test_clbp_d_outex(p,r): inputs: radius r, the number of sampoing points p outputs: classification accuray (CA) based on nearest neighbor classifier (NNC), compuataion time under a certain (P, R) for one test suit c. test_cldp: outputs: test cldp-based classification performance on each test suit using various combinations of (P, R) values d. getmapping: three selections: 'u2' for uniform 2, 'ri' for rotation-invariant, 'riu2' for uniform 2 and rotatoin-invariant e. ClassifyOnNN(DM,trainClassIDs,testClassIDs): input: "DM" is a m*n distance matrix, m is the number of test samples, n is the number of training samples, 'trainClassIDs' and 'testClassIDs' stores the class ID of training and test samples output: classifcation accuracy

  1. Results reproduction PS: we run Matlab2014b codes on Intel Core i7-4790K 4.00GHz

    1. Original experimental results: ...\CLDP\Outex\Results\CDLP-based Classification Results_20160128.xlsx a. 1st subsheet (CLBP VS CLDP): comparisons between CLBP and CLDP on classification accuracy for each combination scheme under a certain (P, R) Each row represents a combination scheme and each colomn represents a certain (P, R) for a test suit. For example: CLDP_S/M/D/C(riu2): run matlab codes under ...\CLDP\Outex\Test_TC12\Test_TC12_000\Test_cldp\Test_cldp_smdcjoint; The codes return accuracy for the CLDP_S/M/D/C-based texture classifictition under various (P, R) values on test suit TC12_000("t184"). b. 2nd subsheet (CLBP VS CLDP): comparisons between CLBP and CLDP on computation time for each combination scheme under a certain (P, R)
    2. Table 1: Average classification accuracy (%) of CLBP and CLDP on TC10 ("inca") and TC12 ("t184" and "horizon") using different combination schemes This table can be found from the 1st subsheet in ...\CLDP\Outex\Results\CDLP-based Classification Results_20160128.xlsx
    3. Table 2: Classification accuracy (%) of state-of-the-art texture descriptors on TC10 ("inca") and TC12 ("t184" and "horizon") This table can be found from the 4th subsheet in ...\CLDP\Outex\Results\CDLP-based Classification Results_20160128.xlsx