
Quasar app with The Movie DB catalog

Primary LanguageJavaScript

TMdb Catalog

You can check the app running HERE!

Getting Started!

You will need to register in themoviedb to create your API_KEY (for version v3). Once you have an API_KEY you need to rename /config/secrets2.js to /config/secret.js and paste your API_KEY.

install dependencies

$ yarn install


$ npm install

run tests

$ jest --watch

serve with hot reload at localhost:8080

$ yarn dev mat


$ npm run dev mat

'mat' was the material theme, try iOS with

$ yarn dev ios


$ npm run dev ios

build for production with minification

$ quasar build

Going Mobile!

You may want to wrap the App into a native mobile App. Given you already have Cordova and an Android or iOS SDK installed in your system, run:

quasar wrap cordova
cordova platform add android
cordova run android

For full details, take a look to the Quasar guide.