
This project is a simple digital dining platform

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Digital Dining


This project is a simple digital dining platform, you can:

  • Select your food and send a message to LINE OA with the food details that you selected.
  • If you don't know what you want to eat, use a random feature.

This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app.

Thank you for the mocking data and images of food from Wongnai Cooking.


  • This repo is used to demonstrate how to use the Line Frontend Framework (LIFF) with Next.js, not for commercial use.
  • I am a noob programmer.
  • I apologize if there are any errors, and please let me know.

How to use (TL; DR)

  1. First, Install the required package.
npm i
  1. Add LIFF_ID to env , you can get LIFF_ID from LINE Developer Console
  1. Run the development server:
npm run dev
  1. Local Previews (ngrok , cloudflared tunnel , vs code port forward) and then you will get a public URL with HTTPS.
# ngrok
ngrok http 3000
  1. Edit callback URL with URL from local preview in LINE Developer Console