
Xdebug Toggle

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


It is a bash script for the fast enabling/disabling Xdebug.


  1. Ubuntu or Debian
  2. Font Awesome
    apt install fonts-font-awesome gnome-tweaks
    Alt+F2 > gnome-tweaks > Fonts > Monospace Text = SourceCodePro+PowerLine+Awesome Regular Regular 11


  1. Clone repository

    git clone https://github.com/yutv/xdebug-toggle
    cd xdebug-toggle
  2. Install xdebug-toggle

    sudo ./install.sh
  3. Insert the following line into ~/.bashrc

    export PS1=$(echo "$PS1" | sed -E 's/(\])(\\\$)/\1\\[\\e[0;38;05;197m\\]$(ps1-xdebug-status)\\[\\e[0m\\]\2/')
  4. Allow xdebug to be run as su without password

    sudo visudo
    yutv ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/xdebug

    where yutv is a user name

  5. Reconnect SSH/Bash Terminal


xdebug # enable Xdebug
xdebug # disable Xdebug