
Convert PNG images into Sega Master System tile format

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Build status

Convert PNG images into Sega Master System / Mega drive tile format.

It is written in C++ and should be fairly portable. PNG read/write is provided by LodePNG.

This project is heavily inspired by Maxim's BMP2Tile application https://github.com/maxim-zhao/bmp2tile

Compression code also from Maxim https://github.com/maxim-zhao/bmp2tilecompressors




png2tile <png filename> [options]

Option               Effect

-[no]removedupes     Enable/disable the removal of duplicate tiles
                     *default (-removedupes)

-[no]mirror          Enable/disable tile mirroring to further optimise
                     duplicates *default (-mirror)

-tilesize <size>     '8x8'      Treat tile data as 8x8 *default*
                     '8x16'     Treat tile data as 8x16

-tileformat <format> 'planar'   Output tileset data in Planar format. *default* 
                     'chunky'   Output tileset data in chunky
                                (two pixels per byte) format. 

-tileoffset <n>      The starting index of the first tile. *Default is 0.
                     The offset can be specified in either decimal or hex
                     Hex numbers prefixed with 0x eg. 0x1A

-spritepalette       Set the tilemap bit to make tiles use the sprite palette.
                     *Default is unset.

-infrontofsprites    Set the tilemap bit to make tiles appear in front of
                     sprites. *Default is unset.

-pal <format>        Palette output format
                     gen        Output the palette in GEN/MD colour format
                     sms        Output the palette in SMS colour format
                     gg         Output the palette in GG colour format
                     sms_cl123  Output the palette in SMS colour format
                                eg cl123, cl333, cl001

-savetiles <filename>
                     Save tile data to <filename>.

-savetilemap <filename>
                     Save tilemap data to <filename>. 

-savepalette <filename>
                     Save palette data to <filename>.

-savetileimage <filename>
                     Save tileset data as a PNG image.

-savetmx <filename>
                     Save tilemap and corresponding tileset in the Tiled
                     mapeditor TMX format.

                     Output binary files instead of asm source files.
                     Ignored for sms_cl123 palette format, TMX, and PNG output.

                     Compress output binary files. Uses STM compression for tilemaps
                     and PSG compression for tiles. Implies -binary if not also specified.

Compiling png2tile

png2tile uses CMake.

Compiling should (hopefully) be as simple as

cmake .