
WKWebView implementation for Pythonista

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WKWebView implementation for Pythonista.

The underlying component used to implement ui.WebView in Pythonista is UIWebView, which has been deprecated since iOS 8. This module implements a Python webview API using the current iOS-provided view, WKWebView. Besides being Apple-supported, WKWebView brings other benefits such as better Javascript performance and an official communication channel from Javascript to Python. This implementation of a Python API also has the additional benefit of being inheritable.

Available as a single file on GitHub, or install with:

pip install pythonista-wkwebview

in stash.

Run the file as-is to try out some of the capabilities; check the end of the file for demo code.

Credits: This would not exist without @JonB and @mithrendal (Pythonista forum handles).

Basic usage

WKWebView matches ui.WebView API as defined in Pythonista docs. For example:

v = WKWebView()
v.load_html('<body>Hello world</body>')

For compatibility, there is also the same delegate API that ui.WebView has, with webview_should_start_load etc. methods.

Deviations from ui.WebView API

Synchronous vs. asynchronous JS evaluation

Apple's WKWebView only provides an async Javascript evaluation function. This is available as an eval_js_async method, with an optional callback argument that will be called with a single argument containing the result of the JS evaluation (or None).

We also provide a synchronous eval_js method, which essentially waits for the callback before returning the result. For this to work, you have to call the eval_js method outside the main UI thread, e.g. from a method decorated with ui.in_background.

Handling page scaling

UIWebView had a property called scales_page_to_fit, WKWebView does not. See below for the various disable methods that can be used instead.

Additional features and notes

http allowed

Looks like Pythonista has the specific plist entry required to allow fetching non-secure http urls.

Cache and timeouts

For remote (non-file) load_url requests, there are two additional options:

  • Set no_cache to True to skip the local cache, default is False
  • Set timeout to a specific timeout value, default is 10 (seconds)

You can also explicitly clear all data types from the default data store with the clear_cache instance method. The method takes an optional parameter, a plain function that will be called when the async cache clearing operation is finished:

def cleared():
  print('Cache cleared')


Media playback

Following media playback options are available as WKWebView constructor parameters:

  • inline_media - whether HTML5 videos play inline or use the native full-screen controller. The default value for iPhone is False and the default value for iPad is True.
  • airplay_media - whether AirPlay is allowed. The default value is True.
  • pip_media - whether HTML5 videos can play picture-in-picture. The default value is True.

Other url schemes

If you try to open a url not natively supported by WKWebView, such as tel: for phone numbers, the webbrowser module is used to open it.

Swipe navigation

There is a new property, swipe_navigation, False by default. If set to True, horizontal swipes navigate backwards and forwards in the browsing history.

Note that browsing history is only updated for calls to load_url - load_html is ignored (Apple feature that has some security justification).

Data detection

By default, no Apple data detectors are active for WKWebView. You can activate them by including one or a tuple of the following values as the data_detectors argument to the constructor: NONE, PHONE_NUMBER, LINK, ADDRESS, CALENDAR_EVENT, TRACKING_NUMBER, FLIGHT_NUMBER, LOOKUP_SUGGESTION, ALL.

For example, activating just the phone and link detectors:

v = WKWebView(data_detectors=(WKWebView.PHONE_NUMBER, WKWebView.LINK))

Messages from JS to Python

WKWebView comes with support for JS-to-container messages. Use this by subclassing WKWebView and implementing methods that start with on_ and accept one message argument. These methods are then callable from JS with the pithy window.webkit.messageHandler.<name>.postMessage call, where <name> corresponds to whatever you have on the method name after the on_ prefix.

Here's a minimal example:

class MagicWebView(WKWebView):
  def on_magic(self, message):
    print('WKWebView magic ' + message)
html = '''
<button onclick="window.webkit.messageHandlers.magic.postMessage(\'spell\')">
Cast a spell

v = MagicWebView()

Note that JS postMessage must have a parameter, and the message argument to the Python handler is always a string version of that parameter. For structured data, you need to use e.g. JSON at both ends.

User scripts a.k.a. script injection

WKWebView supports defining JS scripts that will be automatically loaded with every page.

Use the add_script(js_script, add_to_end=True) method for this.

Scripts are added to all frames. Removing scripts is currently not implemented.

Following two convenience methods are also available:

  • add_style(css) to add a style tag containing the given CSS style definition.
  • add_meta(name, content) to add a meta tag with the given name and content.

Making a web page behave more like an app

These methods set various style and meta tags to disable typical web interaction modes:

  • disable_zoom
  • disable_user_selection
  • disable_font_resizing
  • disable_scrolling (alias for setting scroll_enabled to False)

There is also a convenience method, disable_all, which calls all of the above.

Note that disabling user selection will also disable the automatic data detection of e.g. phone numbers, described earlier.

Javascript debugging

Javascript errors and console messages are sent to Python side and printed to Pythonista console. Supported JS console methods are log, info, warn and error.

For further JS debugging and experimentation, there is a simple convenience command-line utility that can be used to evaluate load URLs and evaluate javascript. If you present your app as a 'panel', you can easily switch between the tabs for your web page and this console.

Or you can just create a WKWebView manually for quick experimentation, like in the usage example below.

>>> from wkwebview import *
>>> v = WKWebView(name='Demo')
>>> WKWebView.console()
Welcome to WKWebView console. Evaluate javascript in any active WKWebView.
Special commands: list, switch #, load <url>, quit
js> list
0 - Demo - 
js> load http://omz-software.com/pythonista/
js> list
0 - Demo - Pythonista for iOS
js> document.title
Pythonista for iOS
js> quit
>>> v2 = WKWebView(name='Other view')
>>> WKWebView.console()
Welcome to WKWebView console. Evaluate javascript in any active WKWebView.
Special commands: list, switch #, load <url>, quit
js> list
0 - Demo - Pythonista for iOS
1 - Other view - 
js> switch 1
js> load https://www.python.org
js> document.title
Welcome to Python.org
js> window.doesNotExist.wrongFunction()
ERROR: TypeError: undefined is not an object
(evaluating 'window.doesNotExist.wrongFunction')
(https://www.python.org/, line: 1, column: 20)
js> quit

Setting a custom user agent

WKWebView has a user_agent property that can be used to retrieve or set a value reported to the server when requesting pages.

Customize Javascript popups

Javascript alert, confirm and prompt dialogs are now implemented with simple Pythonista equivalents. If you need something fancier or e.g. internationalization support, subclass WKWebView and re-implement the following methods as needed:

def _javascript_alert(self, host, message):
  console.alert(host, message, 'OK', hide_cancel_button=True)
def _javascript_confirm(self, host, message):
    console.alert(host, message, 'OK')
    return True
  except KeyboardInterrupt:
    return False
def _javascript_prompt(self, host, prompt, default_text):
    return console.input_alert(host, prompt, default_text, 'OK')
  except KeyboardInterrupt:
    return None