
Tracking my learning progress over time :)


Continuous improvement is key! Not sure where I first read about this, but I just found this post by lifehack.org that highlighted the philosophy of Kaizen, the practice of continuous improvement. This resonated with me a lot, so I decided to set a goal to code every day of October!

After going through the almost the entire month (Oct 2021) I realized I really liked the visual aspect of this, so I initally decided to keep this going indefinitely. A bit down the line, I realized that as much as I loved this, I have other things I want to dedicate my time to, and have decided to stop adding new work here... Maybe I will come back in the future :)


Topics Explored: Scraping, Multiprocessing, Gradient Boosted Trees (GBT), Visualization, Content Creation, Dimensionality Reduction, Data Cleaning, Data Visualization, Data Exploration/Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA), Object Oriented Programming (OOP), Data Wrangling, Databases, Statistics, Automation, Data Versioning, Documentation,

Tools I used so far:

  • (Python) concurrent.futures, bs4, requests, multiprocessing, threading, numpy, matplotlib, plotly, seaborn, sqlite3, ebooklib, collections, sklearn, pandas; (SQL); (C++); (git); (Medium)

Daily Breakdown

January 2021

  1. Re-evaluated priorities to start up my learning again!
  2. Watched Risk at Scale - Running a large investment risk system and how risk analysis techniques can help you - fascinating watch about working with risk at large scale and the software choices behind it.
  3. Watched:
  4. Looked for resources to learn some more theoretical topics and found Complexity Explorer
  5. (Docker) Watched What is Docker in 5 Minutes
  6. (Data Pipeline) Watched How to quickly build Data Pipelines for Data Scientists - Some nice tips for data pipelining and tutorial for delta using python
  7. (Random Walks) Watched What is a Random Walk? | Infinite Series - Introduction to random walks to remember what they are all about
  8. None (Weekend)
  9. None (Weekend)
  10. (Random Walks) Began Complexity Explorer Random Walk tutorial (1/9)
  11. (Random Walks) Continued Complexity Explorer Random Walk tutorial (4/9)

Topics I am interested in looking into:

High priority

  • git [Oct 6]
  • Kaggle Competitions
  • Parallelization
    • Multithreading [Oct 2]
    • Dask
    • Cloud (AWS/GCP/Azure)
  • Bread and Butter
    • PCA [Oct 9]
    • A/B Testing [Oct 18]
    • SQL
      • SQLite [Oct 7]
      • Project
    • Feature engineering
    • Data cleaning [Oct 20]
    • Data wrangling [Oct 10]
  • Quality of Life
    • Docker
    • Documentation - Read the Docs
    • Pytest
  • Web
    • Streamlit/Flask/Fast API
  • Data Vizualization
    • Tableau
    • Seaborn [Oct 8]
  • Statistics
    • Theory
    • scipy.stats (more in depth)
    • statsmodels
  • ML
    • xgboost [Oct 5]
    • AutoML
      • Auto-sklearn
      • TPOT
    • sklearn (more in depth)
  • Scraping [Oct 10]
    • requests [Oct 1]
    • bs4 (HTML) [Oct 1]
    • ebooklib - Epubs [Oct 10]

Lower Priority

  • unbalanced-learn (sampling)
  • Specific ML tools
    • lightgbm
    • Graph ML
  • Time Series
    • prophet
    • greykite
    • sktime
    • Darts
  • More General Purpose Tools
    • Kubernetes
    • PySpark
    • ExAx/Accelerator (eBay)
  • Understanding the low level
    • C++ - Review [Oct 15]
    • CUDA
    • GPU Programming
    • Numba
    • Cython
  • More Viz tools
    • Plotly
  • More DB
    • MongoDB
    • Snowflake

Progress for past months:

October 2021