
Angular starter project with material and sidenav

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Starter project

This project was generated with Angular CLI version 7.1.4.

alt text

Angular Starter project is a starting point for your next Angular dashboar project. The project is built with Angular Material (https://material.angular.io/) and follows Google best practices.

Main Project stracture

- App
|------- Common // holds common and shared modules, services and components
|        |
|        |------ modules
|        |------ components
|        |------ services
|        |------ guards
|        |------ interfaces
|        |
|        |- app-shared.module.ts // importing shared components, pipes etc.
|        |
|        |- material-shared.module.ts // imprting all material modules needed for the project
|------- Pages // holds domain modules, main "pages" of the system, for example: Dashboard page
|- app.routing.module.ts  // the main routing module that loads each child route
|- app-context.service.ts // the single source of truth in the system. AppContext is the app state. 


AppContext is declaring BLs (business logic) that later are binded in the parent module of the BL. BL state can then be reffered from AppContext using Getter/Setter:

// AppContext.ts


get User() {
   return this.userBl.User; // also a getter

Development server

Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files. If you want to run without reload, use the following: ng serve --live-reload=false

Don't forget to run npm install first.


Run ng build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory. Use the --prod flag for a production build.