Academic and Co-Curricular Activity Council IITJ

Web portal and forum for Students' Gymkhana of IIT Jodhpur


Simplify the workflow of updating the gymkhana website without much knowledge on how to code. And also provide certain utility features.

This project includes:

  • A main web portal which can be updated dynamically through an admin interface.
  • A forum/discussion app for general purpose discussions.
  • An app called Konnekt to find/search people with a certain required skill set.



  • Python 3.6 runtime
  • Django >= 3.2.9
  • Other dependencies in Pipfile


Setup Frontend:

If you haven't already, install the vue-cli service:
npm install -g @vue/cli

Then follow these steps:

git clone

cd <project-directory>/acac_frontend/

npm install
  • Compiles and hot-reloads for development
npm run serve
  • Compiles and minifies for production
npm run build
  • Lints and fixes files
npm run lint

Setup Backend:

Make sure you have python 3.6 and pipenv installed on your pc.

Then follow these steps:

cd <project-directory>/acac_backend/

cp .env.example .env
pipenv --python 3.6 install --dev
  • Activate the new virtual environment:
pipenv shell
  • Make database migrations
python makemigrations
python migrate
  • Create a superuser
python createsuperuser
  • Run development server on localhost
python runserver

Dummy Data for Testing [OPTIONAL]:

This will populate the database with random values for testing:

python createfixture