
project for machine learning

Primary LanguagePython


Project for IDS 705: Principles of Machine Learning



Reference for network framework and training code: a-PyTorch-Tutorial-to-Image-Captioning.
Reference Paper Show, Attend and Tell
Data comes from: Flickr 8k Dataset

Before training

  1. clone the current repository to servers
$ git clone git@github.com:wkhalil/Image-Caption.git
  1. before training & testing: make sure all libraries are installed with compatible versions (requirements.txt for reference).
  1. check for directory tree (missing folders can be created manually, most with place_holder.txt)
    download Flickr 8k Dataset and store the folder with images in project as './inputs/Images'.
    directory necessary before training:
├── README.md
├── caption.py
├── config.py
├── create_input_files.py
├── datasets.py
├── eval.py
├── inputs
│   ├── Images
│   ├── Intermediate_files
│   │   └── place_holder.txt
│   └── captions.txt
├── logs
│   └── log
│       ├── train
│       │   └── place_holder.txt
│       └── val
│           └── place_holder.txt
├── model_history
│   └── place_holder.txt
├── models.py
├── output
│   └── place_holder.txt
├── requirements.txt
├── test_results
│   └── place_holder.txt
├── train.py
└── utils.py


$ python create_input_files.py

(only once for generating intermediate data files)

Training Process

  1. There are two choices for training, if training without previous checkpoints, set checkpoints=None in config.py.
    Another one is training based on current best model (default, obtain best model: latest model checkpoints).
  2. run the train.py
$ python train.py

Evaluation metrics

first install pycocoevalcap for CIDER, SPICE metrics.(Problems still exist for SPICE after installing following instructions, and others also met the same problem)

$ python eval.py

Testing Process

All generated captions would be stored under test_results directory.
Three choices:

  1. If randomly generated one caption from all inputs
$ python caption.py
  1. If randomly generated multiple captions from all inputs
    ex. randomly select 6 images to generate captions
$ python caption.py --num = 6
  1. generate caption for specified image & specified model & specified path to save
$ python caption.py  --word_map='./inputs/Intermediate_files/WORDMAP_flickr8k_5_cap_per_img_5_min_word_freq.json' --beam_size=5 --img='./inputs/Images/2877424957_9beb1dc49a.jpg' --save='./test_results/gen_3' --model='./model_history/best_0417_20.pth.tar'