
Predicted relations on evaluation images

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I am trying to print out the predicted relations on evaluation images here:

To my surprise, the relations (rels_i) are tuples of size 2 (only including objects not relations) while gt_relations are size 3 (as expected). Can you help me on that?

Hi @astrosaeed , the relations are in this line represented by the scores of relations https://github.com/yuweihao/KERN/blob/master/models/eval_rels.py#L72.

I was incorrectly looking at the wrong variable. I have one more question about the prediction scores:
The total number of predicates are 50 (in VG-SGG-dict.json) but the prediction score has 51 columns with the first column always having the maximum value. What is the extra column for?

Hi @astrosaeed , it means no relationship.