我和一群Data Science Enthusiastic 社團的朋友想一起練習Git commands, 但每個人使用不同的語言,於是其中一個人就想到...我們可以用走迷宮的方式來進行!👏 參與者只需要把像是這樣的指令:"down 1 step, right 2 steps..." push上去就可以了。
My friends and I wanted to practice git commands, since everyone used different lenguage, one of them came up with that -- let's practice with going through a maze, all you need to do is type like "down 1 step, right 2 steps...".👏
We set up the order and everyone had to move forward five lines, when you finished your part, push the "instructions" to github and the next one continued.
However, with those commands, it was inconvenient to see "where were we now", so I built this web page to let everyone could see it visually with the previous commands.
A team mate Judy-S helped to add color on it, anyone can chose a color and turned to be more clear. Thank you Judy-S! 🤩
✨ draw with HTML canvas