
AI Face Detection in pictures with Clarifai API. 👧

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Smart Computer - AI Face Detection 👦 👧

Detecting faces by simply sending a photo.

AI detection technique using Clarifai API.


How to use

Smartcomputer usage
  • After sign in or registration, send an URL of a picture with faces, this app can recognize and mark them.
  • The user's entries/ counts will be updated everytime with sending a photo, and then shows on screen.


  • Frond-end website exchanges data with back-end server, also, back-end server connects with database and Clarifai API.
  • back-end server goes here
Smartcomputer structure

Features 📝

API Cloud service

✨ Connecting Clarifai's face recognition API, sending back data and showing on front-end website.


✨ Frond-end website using React.js.
-Similar to Javascript syntax.
-The whole app combines small components which are independent and reusable.
Back-end server using node.js, express.js.
-Based on Javascript and powerful, can build a server quickly.
✨ Connecting front-end and back-end with RestfulAPI.
-Higher readability, easy to debug. Every endpoint is seperated and can be combined into multiple logics with flexibility.
✨ Saving user data in PostgreSQL.
✨ Connecting database with server using knex.
-Clear documentation. Powerful.


🔐 Seperating Clarifai API key from back-end server code and by storing it as environment variable. Also, registering it in gitignore to prevent being tracking.
🔐 Clarifai API key setting on Heroku after deployment.
🔐 Hash user's password with Bcrypt.
🔐 Storing password and name to seperate tables, reduce change of data leakage.
🔐 Using dotenv in development.
-Easy to seperate confidential data from code.

Responsive website and Special effects

✨ Good user experience on both mobile and desktop.
✨ Different layouts on mobile and desktop using Tachyons.
✨ Dynamic background using react-particles-js.
✨ Hover effect using react-tilt.


✨ Front-end deployment to Netlify.
-Suitable for front-end website without waiting for awaken.
✨ Back-end deployment to Heroku.
-Easy to maintain and operate. Works well for a low-traffic website.


  • A detection screenshot on desktop showing user's name, entries/ counts, and the faces are marked.


  • A detection screenshot on mobile. The picture size is adapted to screen size.


How was Smartcomputer built?

API cloud service

  • The URL is sent from front-end to back-end, then to Clarifai face detection API.
  • The detection result is sending back from Clarafai and showing on screen.
clarifai connection

Register, Sign In

  • Connections between front-end, back-end and database in register step and sign in step.
clarifai connection
  • Creating new user in both Login and Users tables with transaction in registration step.
  • Stroing hashed password in Login table.

Merging Registration and Sign In pages to a single component

  • Since the two pages are quite similar, merge two components to one, don't repear yourself.
entrPage chart
  • Rendering different contents based on Route state from App.js: The registration page has a name blanket which does not exist in sign in page. Also the two buttons are named differently.
  • The component is built by function component using useState and useEffect, clearer syntax.

Rendering is controlled by states

states deside rendering chart
  • Rendering nav bar according to isSignIn state.
  • Rendering page according to route.

Increment on counts/ entries

entrPage chart
  • After Clarifai returning the detection, if there are faces, increment function is triggered and go to database to add 1 times to this user.
  • After that, it will return to the front-end and display the updated entries of user on the screen.

environment variables in Back-end

environment variables chart
  • Storing API key in .env and add it to gitignore to keep this file from being tracked.
  • Naming environment variables in config.js and exporting it.
  • Adding another env.example as reference for the team.
  • In production stage, set API key on Heroku.

Divide endpoints on back-end server to separate files

  • Classifying endpoints, and dividing them to separate files with dependency injection syntax, making it clearer.