
Support batch inference of Grounding DINO. "Grounding DINO: Marrying DINO with Grounded Pre-Training for Open-Set Object Detection"

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

GroundingDINO Infer in Batches

Table of Contents


The result is already presented in the crop_images folder in this repo. If you want to run the program again, please make sure you delete the crop_images folder first. Otherwise, the program will not run properly.


By following this github post provided by ashrielbrian, I managed to get the inference to work in batches. Modifications need to be made as the original post is only testing the latency of the model. The modifications are made in the batch_utlities.py file.

Here is a copy of what he mentioned in the github post:

I (He) managed to get a batch script to work in a somewhat hacky way:

Stack the images into a batch:

images = torch.stack([load_image(img)[1] for img in img_paths])
boxes, logits, phrases = predict_batch(

You'll need to update the load_image func to not use the RandomResize. Inside datasets/transforms.py, add this class:

class Resize(object):
    def __init__(self, size):
        assert isinstance(size, (list, tuple))
        self.size = size

    def __call__(self, img, target=None):
        return resize(img, target, self.size)

Inside load_image in inference.py, I hardcoded the resize to ensure every image in the batch is of the same size. This is hacky and probably (definitely) results in poorer performance.

transform = T.Compose(
            # T.RandomResize([800], max_size=1333),
            # Added T.Resize to fix the resized image during batch inference
            T.Resize((800, 1200)),
            T.Normalize([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]),

Adapting the existing predict function:

def predict_batch(
        images: torch.Tensor,
        caption: str,
        box_threshold: float,
        text_threshold: float,
        device: str = "cuda"
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, List[str]]:
    caption = preprocess_caption(caption=caption)

    model = model.to(device)
    image = images.to(device)

    print(f"Image shape: {image.shape}") # Image shape: torch.Size([num_batch, 3, 800, 1200])
    with torch.no_grad():
        outputs = model(image, captions=[caption for _ in range(len(images))]) # <------- I use the same caption for all the images for my use-case

    print(f'{outputs["pred_logits"].shape}') # torch.Size([num_batch, 900, 256]) 
    print(f'{outputs["pred_boxes"].shape}') # torch.Size([num_batch, 900, 4])
    prediction_logits = outputs["pred_logits"].cpu().sigmoid()[0]  # prediction_logits.shape = (nq, 256)
    prediction_boxes = outputs["pred_boxes"].cpu()[0]  # prediction_boxes.shape = (nq, 4)

    mask = prediction_logits.max(dim=1)[0] > box_threshold
    logits = prediction_logits[mask]  # logits.shape = (n, 256)
    boxes = prediction_boxes[mask]  # boxes.shape = (n, 4)

    tokenizer = model.tokenizer
    tokenized = tokenizer(caption)

    phrases = [
        get_phrases_from_posmap(logit > text_threshold, tokenized, tokenizer).replace('.', '')
        for logit
        in logits

    return boxes, logits.max(dim=1)[0], phrases

This gave me (him) a roughly 18% improvement in latency over single image inference of a batch of 16 images.


To begin with, since this project is based on GroundingDINO, please follow the instructions in the original repo to set up the environment and download the pretrained model and put the weigth file in the ./weights folder. The weight I use is 'groundingdino_swint_ogc.pth'. Another thing to mention is that the prompt I use is 'object' with a batch size of 2, you can modify the parameters as you need in the inference_gdino.py file. Moreover, I am using cpu, please modify the code in inference_gdino.py to use gpu if you want to.

1. Prepare the images

Put the images you want to infer in the ./images folder. The images can be in any format, but the code only supports .jpg for now.

2. Create file path list

Create a file path list By running python create_img_path_list.py. This will create a file path list for the images you want to infer. The file path list should be in the ./images folder and named img_paths.txt. Each line in the file should be the path to the image. For example:


3. Run the inference

python inference_gdino.py

The results will be saved in the ./crop_images folder, where the name of the folder is the sku (aka product ID) of a product.