
OpenGL City Simulation (C++) - Particle Effects, Animation, Motion Blur

REQUIREMENT: 2G of RAM and probably a lot of VRAM. I'm VERY sorry if it freezes your computer because my .city renders 82 Models

When You Will See My Model: 0:56

1. Make sure all models are within a subdirectory "Models" 
		-> WilburYu.exe
		-> main.cpp
		-> Gaya.city
		-> (etc)
		-> Models
			-> 1238Robson
			-> AbdulLadhaCentre
			-> (etc)

2. Compile and run .exe with .city

3. You will receive "Animate Movie?"
	Press YES if you want to watch the movie
		You will receive another question "Record Movie?"
			Press YES to record (Will record all .ppm to subdirectory "Movies")
			Press NO to not record
	Press NO if you want to free-roam

KEYS (Freeroam):
Q - Fly Up
W - Forward
E - Fly Down
A - Left
S - Down
D - Right

3 - Earth (Center)
4 - Mars (Center)

+ - Increase Speed by x2
- - Decrease Speed by /2

R - Toggle Rain
K - Toggle Lightning Texture + Forked Lightning