
An adaption of SendKeys-py

Primary LanguagePython


:Version: 0.4
:Date: 2011-09-04
:Author: Zv_oDD
:OriginalAuthor: Ollie Rutherfurd <oliver@rutherfurd.net>
:Homepage: http://www.rutherfurd.net/python/sendkeys/

SendKeys is a Python extension for Windows (R) which can be used to send 
one or more keystrokes or keystroke combinations to the active window.

These Keystrokes go through SendInput WinAPI function. They work on
a virtual drive level so should be captured by games and DirectX

See `doc\SendKeys.txt <doc\SendKeys.txt>`_ or 
`doc\SendKeys.html <doc\SendKeys.html>`_ for documentation.

.. :lineSeparator=\r\n:maxLineLen=72:noTabs=true:tabSize=4:wrap=hard: