
Local package manager. A tool to manage your multi-repo.

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Local package manager. A small tool to help manage your multi-repo work.

What is multi-repo? Why not mono repo?

Not mine article but I totally agree with it https://medium.com/@PepsRyuu/monorepos-in-javascript-anti-pattern-917603da59c8


For now ymultirepo works with pnpm package manager only.

Installation - step 1: globally, one time

  1. Projects that consume local modules should have ymultirepo installed to node_modules. So
  • pnpm i -g ymultirepo AND set NODE_PATH to global modules folder (recommended). You can use the following snippet to set NODE_PATH permanently on Windows:
pnpm config get prefix > node_path.txt
setx NODE_PATH < node_path.txt
erase node_path.txt
echo %NODE_PATH%
  • OR
  • Just use pnpm i ymultirepo --saveDev in each consumer (not recommended, because this would force all contributors to install ymultirepo even when they don't use it)
  1. Use pnpm config to set local_packages_folder to the folder where you store your projects:

     pnpm config set local_packages_folder YOUR_PATH_TO_PROJECTS_FOLDER

Installation - step 2: in each project

  1. Add pnpmfile.js to your project root with contents
const {ymultirepoRemap} = require("../local_packages_list");
function readPackage (pkg, context) {
    if (pkg.dependencies)
        for(let k in resolutions)
                pkg[k] = resolutions[k];
    return pkg

If you already using pnpmfile.js for some other needs, than just add a call to remapLocal(package, context) at the top of readPackage handler.


  1. Now you can add/install packages normally with pnpm i. If ymultirepo sees that package is installed locally it will use local one instead of remote one.
  2. You can use YOUR_PATH_TO_PROJECTS_FOLDER/local_packages_list.json to change this behavior for some packages when you wish to.
  3. After each change you'll have to do pnpm i inside each depended project.


When you have many projects it's usually convenient to have same config for all of them. I've made yproject_policy package to handle this problem. This package lets you define policies, verify and fix multiple projects with the policy.


If you didn't liked ymultirepo uninstallation process is quite simple.

  • pnpm uninstall -g ymultirepo (or pnpm uninstall ymultirepo if you installed it locally)
  • delete pnpminit.js file in your projects

Functions (Developer guide)

  • caseInsensitiveCompare(a, b) - case insensitive string comparision
  • getLocalPackagesPathsObj() - reads setting from npm config
  • writeFileSyncIfChanged(fileName, content, encoding = "utf-8") - writes file only if supplied content differs from existing content
  • getLocalPackagesList(localPackagesPaths = getLocalPackagesPathsObj()) - reads local_packages_list.json to object.
  • ymultirepoScan(localPackagesPaths = getLocalPackagesPathsObj()) - scans folders set by setup(1) and refreshes local_packages_list.json
  • getLocalPackages(localPackagesPaths = getLocalPackagesPathsObj()) - reads local_packages_list.json and makes effective set of local packages in packageName -> package form
  • ymultirepoRemap(p, context, effectiveLocalPackages = getLocalPackages()) - a convinien function to use with pnpmfile.js
    • TODO Maybe package version should also be checked inside remapLocal.

TODOs and notes

  • TODO Maybe package version should also be checked inside remapLocal.
  • Note Installation - step 1 & 2 doesn't seem as a good solution to me. But I haven't found any other way. That would be great if all this gets implemented as a part of pnpm someday