
This document displays several examples of gRPC Load Balancing.


Nginx 1.13.10 adds new feature to support gRPC connections. With simple configuration, we can use Nginx for reverse proxy to load balance a cluster of gRPC services.

To test it out, I have a simple gRPC Hello service that will return message to declare the gRPC server's name. Then, I deploy 20 gRPC server instances behind Nginx server, and use the random load balance policy.

And I have a gRPC client that will send many gRPC requests concurrently, collect all gRPC responses and add up all the gRPC server's name. As a result, the gRPC cluster can handle about 800 concurrent gRPC requests at most. As we can see, the gRPC requests are randomly dispersed to 20 gRPC server instances.

Load balance in Kubernetes

L4 Load Balancing

Kubernetes supports load balancing in Layer-4: Transport Layer.

gRPC is built on HTTP/2, and HTTP/2 is designed to have a single long-lived TCP connection, thus, Once the gRPC connection is established, there’s no more balancing to be done. All requests will get pinned to a single destination pod.

To sum up, gPRC connections can not be automatically balanced in Kubernetes in Layer-4.


Istio is a Service Mesh that essentially deploys an Envoy proxy per microservice instance. Istio automatically intercepts the requests and forward the request to a sidecar proxy (i.e., there is a proxy instance running along side of every microservice instance). The proxy can automatically discover backend instances and perform L7 load balancing.


I deploy a Kubernetes cluster with only one node(as master and work node as well), then I install Istio and bootstrap the Kubernetes cluster with Istio. And to make sidecars can be automatically added to applicable Kubernetes pods, I enable the automatic sidecar injection.


configuration file:

server configuration --> server with sidecar

client configuration

I deploy the gRPC server with configuration that declare there are 20 gRPC server instances(replica) and each pod have a sidecar proxy.

Then I make the same gRPC client to test the cluster, and the result is it can handle 500 gRPC requests concurrently.