- fix lighting with cube
- add way to save/load a meshcollection
- make filepath different for different users
- Importance sampling
- Implement MSAA in camera
- Redo recursive ray intensity calculation (only one bounce per ray per hit, shoot multiple rays (samples) per pixel)
- Customizable FOV in Camera
- Use C++11 random library instead of
- Remove hacky code DiffuseMaterial (l 25) (moved to
) - Extend MeshGenerator (circle, square, sphere, cone, suzanne?, ...)
- Get OpenCV working
- Phong reflectance model
- pure absorbing material (ja dit kan al met een difuus materiaal met albedo 0, maar komaan, proper is t niet :p)
- use kd-tree or something similar for triangle stuff
- Parallelisation
- Add sun light
- add Reinhard tone mapping
- Russion roulette path termination
- next event estimation
- bidirection raytracing?