
This repository contains a web service that finds and classifies symbols of music notation. The service works .png and .jpg images that are scaled to a staff interline of 10pt.

What is it made of ?

The service is based on the microframework Flask. The main route is /classify, it lets you upload an image (POST to image). The image will be scanned using a Deep Neural network and the bounding boxes of the detected symbols are returned in a json formatted string.

It is built to be used in conjunction with trained models following the DeepWatershed-Detection architecture. see:


  • contains the flask app and calls the detection system located in class_utils.
  • class_utils/ contains the code that loads a pretrained tensorflow model and performs the detection.
  • demo/ contains a test/demo script for the service.
  • important: for this service to work you need to create a folder called trained_models and place the correct pretrained models in said folder. (can be found at:
  • Dockerfile The dockerized version of all of this to reduce the amount of maintanence and administration necessary

Instructions on using the docker image

We assume you're in the home directory.

  1. Build the docker image:
docker build dockerized_classifier/Detection_Service -t saty/detection

The -t argument tags the image with the label saty/detection

  1. Create a self-restarting container from the image
docker create --restart unless-stopped --gpus all -p 5000:5000 --name detection_docker saty/detection
  1. Start and enable the service associated with running the docker container
sudo service detection-docker start
sudo systemctl enable detection-docker  # To auto-start the service on reboot
  1. To check the status of the service
service detection-docker status
  1. To turn of the service
sudo service detection-docker stop
sudo systemctl disable detection-docker  # Only if you want to prevent the service from restarting on reboot