
Display weather in five different cities.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Description: Display weather in five different cities.

Work process:

  • rough draft of how the homepage should look
  • used create-react-app to start project + started git repo for version control
  • created card component to hold/show information of 5 cities
  • read Openweathermap API docs
  • pulled data from openweather, parse data using Weathercardlist to send individual city info to weather card component
  • used package tachyons for styling - mobile responsive
  • used react-router-dom for routing pages
  • query data to weatherpage and places info on table (same process as from weatherlist to weathercard)
  • host project to heroku for demo



npm install
npm start

browser should open to: http://localhost:3000

Technology Used:

  • JS ES6
  • React
  • create-react-app
  • Openweathermap API

Ideas for future iteration: Radial menu style when selecting card [styling] Search function for location [functionality] Show map [api, functionality] Use redux to store information - for possible location saving features catch error / testing mobile version break down to smaller reusable components