
Useful macros when performing data audits

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Useful macros when performing data audits


Installation instructions

New to dbt packages? Read more about them here.

  1. Include this package in your packages.yml file — check here for the latest version number.
  2. Run dbt deps to install the package.


compare_relations (source)

This macro generates SQL that can be used to do a row-by-row validation of two relations. It is largely based on the equality test in dbt-utils. By default, the generated query returns a summary of audit results, like so:

in_a in_b count percent_of_total
True True 6870 99.74
True False 9 0.13
False True 9 0.13

The generated SQL also contains commented-out SQL that you can use to check the rows that do not match perfectly:

order_id order_date status in_a in_b
1 2018-01-01 completed True False
1 2018-01-01 returned False True
2 2018-01-02 completed True False
2 2018-01-02 returned False True

This query is particularly useful when you want to check that a refactored model, or a model that you are moving over from a legacy system, match up.

Usage: The query is best used in dbt Develop so you can interactively check results

{# in dbt Develop #}

{% set old_etl_relation=adapter.get_relation(
) -%}

{% set dbt_relation=ref('fct_orders') %}

{{ audit_helper.compare_relations(
) }}


  • a_relation and b_relation: The relations you want to compare.
  • exclude_columns (optional): Any columns you wish to exclude from the validation.
  • primary_key (optional): The primary key of the model. Used to sort unmatched results for row-by-row validation.

compare_queries (source)

Super similar to compare_relations, except it takes two select statements. This macro is useful when:

  • You need to filter out records from one of the relations.
  • You need to rename or recast some columns to get them to match up.
  • You only want to compare a small number of columns, so it's easier write the columns you want to compare, rather than the columns you want to exclude.
{# in dbt Develop #}

{% set old_fct_orders_query %}
    id as order_id,
  from old_etl_schema.fct_orders
{% endset %}

{% set new_fct_orders_query %}
  from {{ ref('fct_orders') }}
{% endset %}

{{ audit_helper.compare_queries(
) }}

compare_column_values (source)

This macro will return a query, that, when executed, compares a column across two queries, and summarizes how many records match perfectly (note: a primary key is required to match values across the two queries).

match_status count percent_of_total
✅: perfect match 37,721 79.03
✅: both are null 5,789 12.13
🤷: missing from b 25 0.05
🤷: value is null in a only 59 0.12
🤷: value is null in b only 73 0.15
🙅: ‍values do not match 4,064 8.51

This macro is useful when:

  • You've used the compare_queries macro (above) and found that a significant number of your records don't match.
  • So now you want to find which column is causing most of these discrepancies.


{# in dbt Develop #}

{% set old_etl_relation_query %}
    select * from public.dim_product
    where is_latest
{% endset %}

{% set new_etl_relation_query %}
    select * from {{ ref('dim_product') }}
{% endset %}

{% set audit_query = audit_helper.compare_column_values(
) %}

{% set audit_results = run_query(audit_query) %}

{% if execute %}
{% do audit_results.print_table() %}
{% endif %}

Usage notes:

  • primary_key must be a unique key in both tables, otherwise the join won't work as expected.

Advanced usage:

Got a wide table, and want to iterate through all the columns? Try something like this:

{%- set columns_to_compare=adapter.get_columns_in_relation(ref('dim_product'))  -%}

{% set old_etl_relation_query %}
    select * from public.dim_product
    where is_latest
{% endset %}

{% set new_etl_relation_query %}
    select * from {{ ref('dim_product') }}
{% endset %}

{% if execute %}
    {% for column in columns_to_compare %}
        {{ log('Comparing column "' ~ column.name ~'"', info=True) }}

        {% set audit_query = audit_helper.compare_column_values(
        ) %}

        {% set audit_results = run_query(audit_query) %}
        {% do audit_results.print_table() %}
        {{ log("", info=True) }}

    {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

This will give you an output like:

Comparing column "name"
| match_status         | count_records | percent_of_total |
| -------------------- | ------------- | ---------------- |
| ✅: perfect match     |        41,573 |            99.43 |
| 🤷: missing from b    |            26 |             0.06 |
| 🙅: ‍values do not... |           212 |             0.51 |

Comparing column "msrp"
| match_status         | count_records | percent_of_total |
| -------------------- | ------------- | ---------------- |
| ✅: perfect match     |        31,145 |            74.49 |
| ✅: both are null     |        10,557 |            25.25 |
| 🤷: missing from b    |            22 |             0.05 |
| 🤷: value is null ... |            31 |             0.07 |
| 🤷: value is null ... |             4 |             0.01 |
| 🙅: ‍values do not... |            52 |             0.12 |

Comparing column "status"
| match_status         | count_records | percent_of_total |
| -------------------- | ------------- | ---------------- |
| ✅: perfect match     |        37,715 |            90.20 |
| 🤷: missing from b    |            26 |             0.06 |
| 🙅: ‍values do not... |         4,070 |             9.73 |

compare_relation_columns (source)

This macro will return a query, that, when executed, compares the ordinal_position and data_types of columns in two Relations.

column_name a_ordinal_position b_ordinal_position a_data_type b_data_type
order_id 1 1 integer integer
customer_id 2 2 integer integer
order_date 3 3 timestamp date
status 4 5 character varying character varying
amount 5 4 bigint bigint

This is especially useful in two situations:

  1. Comparing a new version of a relation with an old one, to make sure that the structure is the same
  2. Helping figure out why a union of two relations won't work (often because the data types are different)

For example, in the above result set, we can see that status and amount have switched order. Further, order_date is a timestamp in our "a" relation, whereas it is a date in our "b" relation.

{#- in dbt Develop -#}

{% set old_etl_relation=adapter.get_relation(
) -%}

{% set dbt_relation=ref('fct_orders') %}

{{ audit_helper.compare_relation_columns(
) }}


  • Macro to check if two schemas contain the same relations