
Reverse-engineer a string based on a template

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


PyPI version Build Status codecov

A package to "reverse-enginner" simple strings based on a template.

Reverse-engineer a string based on a template, can be usefull to extract information from a generated string when you know how the information will be formated in said string, like the a file name.

Usage sample:

from template_reverse import ReverseTemplate

segments = [
rt = ReverseTemplate("{video_name}_{segment_id}_{segment_duration_in_secs}.avi")

total_duration = 0

for segment in segments:
    values = rt.reverse(segment)
    print("Checking out movie", values["video_name"], "part ", values["segment_id"])
    total_duration += int(values["segment_duration_in_secs"])

print("Total video duration so far", total_duration)

Build locally

Requires Python 3.

This package is simple enough that it should work with any version. I recommend you to install python using pyenv with pyenv-virtualenv. If you are on windows check pyenv-win out.


cd /path/to/pytemplate-reverse
pip install . # Thats it :)

If you want to develop on it and run tests use the following:

pip install -r test-requirements.txt -e .
# `-r test-requirements.txt` Will install the dependencies required to run the tests
# `-e .` Install in editable mode, so you can edit the contents of /src/pytemplate_reverse without having to install the package again to see changes

To get coverage and lint run pytest with the following plugins:

pytest --black --cov=template_reverse