CDN for source code

User Flow

Issuer: receive a credential

  1. Go to
  2. Connect PolygonID wallet (need mobile app)
  3. Add claim
    1. select Schema: Custom
    2. add Url:
    3. add Type: ProofOfswissDAOMembership
    4. Data JSON:
          "entryDate": 20230228,
          "partOfswissDAOLabs": true
    5. submit
    6. scan QR code to receive send claim to your wallet
    7. inside app, you receive new claim ProofOfswissDAOMembership

Verifier: proof a credential

not working atm: form at does not support string input

  1. Go to
  2. Select Custom
  3. Fill in Form for Query
    1. select Circuit Id: Credential Atomic Query Signature
    2. add Url:
    3. add Type: ProofOfswissDAOMembership
    4. add Issuer: *
    5. add Field: partOfswissDAOLabs
    6. add Operator: EQ
    7. add Value: true
    8. add RequestID: 1
    9. submit
    10. scan QR code to receive send claim to your wallet

Allowed Issuers

Note: 3.iv asterisk (*) means all Issuer are allowed Part of the documentation says the following

As part of the Query, the Verifier includes the identifiers of the trusted issuers. For example, a Verifier should add XYZ DAO as the only trusted Issuer when verifying that an individual is a member of XYZ DAO. XYZ DAO doesn’t need to accept nor interact with the Verifier.